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English-German translation for: mobile
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Dictionary English German: mobile

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ADJ   mobile | more mobile | most mobile
NOUN   a mobile | mobiles
SYNO   Mobile | Mobile River | fluid | mobile ... 
ADJ  mobil | mobiler | am mobilsten
mobiler | mobile | mobiles
mobilster | mobilste | mobilstes
NOUN   das Mobile | die Mobiles
mobile {adj}
mobile {adj}
mobile {adj}
mobile {adj}
tech. mobile {adj}
verfahrbar [fahrbar]
mobile {adj}
mobile {adj}versetzbar [z. B. Trennwand]
tech. mobile {adj}wandernd
mobile {adj} [changeable]veränderlich [unbeständig]
telecom. mobile [Br.] [coll.] [mobile phone]
Handy {n}
telecom. mobile [Br.] [coll.] [mobile phone]
Mobiltelefon {n}
art toys mobile
Mobile {n}
['mobile ethnic minority', politically correct police term for Romani people]mobile ethnische Minderheit {f} <MEM> [polizeidienstl. für: Sinti und Roma]
libr. bookmobilemobile Bücherausleihe {f}
commodemobile Toilette {f} [i.S.v. von Nachtstuhl]
FireResc med. MedTech. gurney [Am.]mobile Krankenliege {f}
2 Words: Others
mil. air mobile {adj}luftbeweglich
highly mobile {adj}hochmobil
more mobile {adj}beweglicher
more mobile {adj}mobiler
most mobile {adj}mobilste
partially mobile {adj}teilmobil
professionally mobile {adj}beruflich mobil
econ. sociol. upwardly mobile {adj}aufstrebend
2 Words: Nouns
electr. (mobile) powerbank [for charging smartphones and mobile tablet devices](mobiles) Ladegerät {n} [Powerbank]
book mobileBücherwagen {m}
archi. art toys Calder mobile [also: Calder's mobile]caldersches Mobile {n}
toys crib mobileBaby-Mobile {n}
telecom. mobile (phone) [Br.]Ackerschnacker {m} [nordd.] [plattd.] [Handy]
telecom. mobile (phone) [Br.]Natel {n} [schweiz.]
market. mobile advertising <M-Advertising>mobile Werbung {f}
Internet mobile appmobile App {f} [mobile Anwendung]
fin. mobile bankingMobile-Banking {n} <M-Banking>
gastr. mobile barAusschankwagen {m}
market. mobile business <M-Business>mobiler Geschäftsverkehr {m}
mobile canteenmobile Kantine {f}
educ. mobile classroom [Am.]Klassencontainer {m}
market. mobile commerce <M-Commerce>mobiler Handel {m}
mobile communicationsMobilkommunikation {f}
telecom. mobile communications {pl}Mobilfunk {m}
comp. mobile computingmobile Computernutzung {f}
comp. mobile computingmobiles Computing {n}
automot. tech. mobile craneAutokran {m}
mobile craneFahrzeugkran {m}
mobile craneKranwagen {m}
mobile crane [Br.]Mobilkran {m}
mobile crusherfahrbare Brechanlage {f}
mil. mobile defense [Am.]bewegliche Verteidigung {f}
mil. mobile defense [Am.]elastische Verteidigung {f}
comp. mobile deviceMobilgerät {n}
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A 2024-07-08: Talking Translator is a nice frontend app for mobile devices.
A 2021-12-02: +mobile apps+ sind die Programme, die auf Tablets und Mobiltelefonen laufen.
A 2021-12-02: What does a Mobile Developer do?
A 2021-12-02: https://www.ecosia.org/search?q=%22a+mobile+developer%22
A 2021-12-02: Wenn der Kontext überhaupt Handys ist, wäre es dann entsprechend wahrschei...
A 2021-12-02: "a mobile" ist ein Handy, also hier: ein Handy Anwendungs - Programmierer ...
Q 2021-12-01: mobile developer
Q 2020-07-07: mobile boarding pass
A 2019-05-30: https://www.google.com/search?q=daily+doubles+jeopardy&oq=Daily+Doubles&aq...
A 2019-04-28: Obviously they tried to optimize it for smartphones and other mobile units.
A 2019-02-14: https://www.google.com/search?ei=x21lXOj1IfTuxgOFxYygAw&q=low+inflammation...
A 2018-11-15: https://www.die-mobile-tanzschule.de/foxtrott-schritte-figuren.html
Q 2018-08-30: Recent thread about 'mobile first.'
Q 2018-08-23: mobile-first
A 2018-07-21: Not "mobile Daten"
A 2018-07-21: mobile Datenübertragung / mobile Datenverbindung / (mobiles Internet)
Q 2018-07-21: mobile data
Q 2018-07-18: mobile, mobile services
A 2018-04-17: https://bauinfos.deutschebahn.com/mobile,fernverkehr,Fernverkehr,ICE_1,4
Q 2017-07-26: Global English: "Cell Phone" or "Mobile Phone"?

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