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English-German translation for: mole
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Dictionary English German: mole

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NOUN   a mole | moles
SYNO   counterspy | mole | gram molecule ... 
NOUN   die Mole | die Molen
SYNO   Bootsanlegestelle | Mole | Pier ... 
zool. T
med. mole
Muttermal {n} [kleines Muttermal]
naut. jetty
Mole {f}
med. mole [esp. nevus, naevus]
Leberfleck {m} [nicht fachspr.] [Muttermal, Naevus]
mole [Br.]
Spion {m}
mole [fig.] [espionage]
Maulwurf {m} [fig.] [Spionage]
naut. pier [breakwater structure]
Mole {f}
naut. breakwater
Mole {f}
med. mole
Mal {n} [Muttermal]
naut. mole [Br.]
Mole {f}
chem. unit mole <mol> [SI base unit of amount of substance]
Mol {n} <mol>
Mole {f}
mole [female] [Br.]
Spionin {f}
naut. breakwall [breakwater]
Mole {f}
mole [dead fetus]Windei {n} [Mole]
med. mole [dead foetus]Mole {f} [abgestorbene Leibesfrucht]
2 Words: Others
mole-coloured {adj} [Br.]graubraun
mole-coloured {adj} [Br.]maulwurfsbraun
2 Words: Nouns
beauty moleSchönheitsmal {n}
med. cystic moleBlasenmole {f}
naut. harbor mole [Am.] [breakwater]Hafenmole {f}
archi. naut. harbour mole [Br.] [breakwater]Hafenmole {f}
med. hydatid moleBlasenmole {f}
med. hydatidiform moleBlasenmole {f}
weapons impact moleBodenrakete {f}
weapons impact moleErdrakete {f}
gastr. mole (sauce) [molé]Mole-Sauce {f} [Name für verschied. Saucen der mexikan. Küche]
acad. chem. mole fractionMolenbruch {m}
tools mole grips {pl} [Br.]Festhaltezange {f}
tools mole grips {pl} [Br.]Gripzange {f}
sociol. mole people [tunnel-dwelling homeless people]Tunnelmenschen {pl}
acad. chem. mole percentMolprozent {n}
agr. mole plough [Br.]Maulwurfdränpflug {m}
gastr. mole poblanoMole Poblano {m}
MedTech. mole scanner [dermatoscope]Dermatoskop {n}
mole's life [also fig.]Maulwurfsleben {n}
naut. sea moleHafenmole {f}
med. vesicular moleBlasenmole {f}
3 Words: Others
gastr. Unverified (German-) Mole CakeMaulwurfkuchen
3 Words: Nouns
med. black (mole) cancerschwarzer Krebs {m} [Melanom]
tools Mole grip® (pliers) [Br.] [locking pliers]Gripzange {f}
games whack-a-mole [funfair attraction]Hau-den-Maulwurf {m} [Jahrmarktattraktion]
whack-a-mole [sl.] [also: whac-a-mole][ständig zu wiederholende fruchtlose Tätigkeit, wie z. B. das Löschen von Spam-Mails]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
comics F The MoleDer kleine Maulwurf
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2015-07-01: whack-a-mole
Q 2015-03-06: IT-Patenttext, Verfahrenstechnologie (Abgabe 09.03.2015 um 15 Uhr) - "MOL...
Q 2013-02-23: Mole
A 2012-09-02: there's a mole among them
Q 2012-04-17: Mole : jetty, breakwater etc. / yesterday's question
A 2012-04-16: Proteus, I think it's more a matter of who reads the text. Any U.S. sailor...
A 2012-04-16: So what about the East Mole, Dunkirk? American usage would be out of place...
A 2012-04-16: Mole = breakwater
A 2012-04-16: Analogy: +the slip is on the right side of the mole+ - +on+ ... +at+ is a ...
A 2012-04-16: Another possibility: As seen from an inbound vessel, the restaurant is on ...
A 2012-04-16: +einlaufen+ und +Mole+ klingen sehr nach Hafen
Q 2012-04-16: aus einlaufener Sicht links an der Mole
Q 2011-09-22: Whac-a-Mole = Hau den Maulwurf
A 2011-04-27: Eagle and mole
A 2010-06-17: A "mole" is a particular kind of spy.
A 2010-03-26: hometown hill, local mole hill, backyard tumescence
A 2010-01-07: Why not get in touch with Adrian Mole? http://www.adrianmole.com/
A 2009-05-29: Danke, ich werde es weitergeben. Eine Mole war es wohl nicht.
A 2009-05-29: sunfunlili's right: Buhne (könnte aber auch eine Mole sein)
A 2009-02-05: The funny thing is, Adrian Mole is famous for being a diary novel...

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