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Dictionary English German: moon

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NOUN1   a moon | moons
NOUN2   the Moon | -
VERB  to moon | mooned | mooned ... 
SYNO   to moon | to moon around | to moon on ... 
moon {adj} [attr.]
to moon [about, around, away]seine Zeit vertun
to moon sb. [bare one's buttocks]jdm. den nackten Arsch zeigen [derb]
to moon sb. [coll.] [expose one's buttocks]jdm. den blanken Hintern zeigen
to moon sb. [coll.] [expose one's buttocks]jdm. den nackten Hintern zeigen
astron. moon1
Mond {m}
astron. moon
Trabant {m} [ein Mond]
moon1 [sl.]nackter Hintern {m}
games Moon <XVIII> [also: moon] [Tarot card]Mond {m} <XVIII> [Tarotkarte]
astron. the Moon2 <☾> [Earth's only natural satellite]der Mond {m} <☾> [der einzige natürliche Satellit der Erde]
2 Words: Others
mil. down moon {adv} [on the opposite side of the enemy from the moon]im Mondlee
astron. zool. moon-blinked {adj} [also: moonblinked]mondwirr
moon-faced {adj}mondgesichtig
moon-faced {adj}mit einem Mondgesicht [nachgestellt]
lit. moon-silvered {adj}mondversilbert [z. B. Wolken]
astron. moon-size {adj}mondgroß
2 Words: Verbs
to moon about sb./sth. [e.g. ex-boyfriend] [also moon over]jdm./etw. nachtrauern
to moon over sb.sichAkk. nach jdm. sehnen
2 Words: Nouns
autumn moonHerbstmond {m}
astron. blood moonBlutmond {m}
astron. blue moon[der dritte Mond einer 4-Vollmonde-Jahreszeit]
astron. blue moon[zweiter Vollmond im selben Monat]
bright moonheller Mond {m}
crescent moonMondsichel {f}
crescent moonSichelmond {m}
ethn. crow moon [Am.]Krähenmond {m}
decreasing moonabnehmender Mond {m}
decrescent moonabnehmender Mond {m}
astron. Earth's moonErdmond {m}
astron. Earth's moonErdtrabant {m}
astron. extrasolar moonExomond {m}
astron. extrasolar moonextrasolarer Mond {m}
fingernail moonMondsichel {f}
astron. full moonVollmond {m}
astron. Galilean moonGalileischer Mond {m}
astron. gibbous moonDreiviertelmond {m}
astron. half moonHalbmond {m}
gastr. half moon [black and white cookie]Amerikaner {m} [Gebäck]
harvest moonErntemond {m} [Septembervollmond]
harvest moonHerbstmond {m} [heller Vollmond im September]
astron. hunter's moon [full moon in the month of October]Jägermond {m}
astron. icy moonEismond {m}
astron. Jovian moonJupitermond {m}
astron. Jupiter's moonJupitermond {m}
astron. mock moonNebenmond {m}
VetMed. moon blindnessMondblindheit {f}
VetMed. moon blindnessperiodische Augenentzündung {f}
cloth. Moon Boot®Moonboot® {m}
astron. moon craterMondkrater {m}
watches moon dialMondphasenanzeige {f}
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Q 2024-09-23: to moon
Q 2024-02-13: moon-eyed
A 2021-08-14: no, the English gender is different from its German counterpart: the moon ...
A 2017-11-12: She entered (the room, house, etc) at full moon
A 2017-09-28: This sacred wedding of the Sun and Moon, of all that is good and bad, we c...
Q 2017-04-03: quarter moon of dead water
A 2016-02-18: Moon does mean to show your bare behind,
A 2016-02-18: moon
A 2015-03-02: 20:07 - Interesting question. One argument would be: Why does the moon exi...
Q 2014-04-15: blood moon [total lunar eclipse]
A 2013-07-14: -- might as well have been on the moon.
A 2013-03-07: Confirmation: http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/hung+the+moon.html
A 2013-03-07: to hang the moon
Q 2013-03-07: To hang the moon ..
A 2011-10-31: to shoot for ... erinnert mich an shoot for the moon ...... also - si...
A 2011-10-23: Heroes, heroes - " +Every one+ is a moon, and has a dark side which he nev...
A 2011-06-17: blood-red moon
A 2011-06-17: crimson moon
A 2011-06-17: seems to be Red Moon
A 2011-01-31: Does the moon care when dogs bark at it.

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