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Dictionary English German: morality

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
NOUN   morality | moralities
SYNO   ethical motive | ethics | morality ... 
Moral {f} [gesellschaftliche Norm]
Sittlichkeit {f}
Tugendhaftigkeit {f}
Moralität {f}
moralitysittliches Verhalten {n}
morality {sg}gute Sitten {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to subvert moralitydie Moral untergraben
2 Words: Nouns
philos. relig. Catholic moralitykatholische Moral {f}
philos. relig. Christian moralitychristliche Moral {f}
philos. herd moralityHerdenmoral {f} [Nietzsche]
philos. individual moralityIndividualmoral {f}
relig. Jesuit morality [pej.]Jesuitenmoral {f} [pej.]
philos. sociol. master moralityHerrenmoral {f} [F. Nietzsche]
hist. theatre morality playMoralität {f}
hist. theatre morality playMoralitätenspiel {n}
morality police [religious police in some Islamic countries]Moralpolizei {f} [in einigen islamischen Ländern]
new moralityneue Moral {f}
sexual moralitySexualmoral {f}
philos. sociol. slave moralitySklavenmoral {f}
philos. relig. sociol. social moralitySozialmoral {f}
strict moralitySittenstrenge {f}
tradesman's moralityGeschäftsmoral {f}
3 Words: Others
wrong to morality {adj}unmoralisch
3 Words: Nouns
abasement of moralityVerfall {m} der Moral
philos. agent-centered morality [Am.]akteurzentrierte Moralität {f}
attitude to moralityMoralvorstellung {f}
concept of moralityMoralbegriff {m}
philos. criterion of moralityMoralitätskriterium {n}
history of moralitySittengeschichte {f}
ideas {pl} on moralityMoralvorstellung {f}
lecture on morality [often pej.]Moralpredigt {f} [meist pej.]
offence against moralityVergehen {n} gegen die Moral
law offence against morality [Br.]Sittlichkeitsdelikt {n}
philos. sense of moralitySittlichkeitsgefühl {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Morality Play [Barry Unsworth]Die Masken der Wahrheit
lit. F On the Genealogy of Morality / Morals. A PolemicZur Genealogie der Moral. Eine Streitschrift [Friedrich Nietzsche]
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Q 2022-06-29: retain virtue morality‘s immersed attention
A 2017-06-04: http://www.dict.cc/?s=morality
Q 2017-06-04: morality?
A 2016-07-01: In this case, what supports morality in the civilized world best? ...
A 2014-12-08: In the UK, such rules tend to be called +public morality laws+
A 2014-12-08: morality laws > Sittenrecht (überwacht von der Sittenpolizei)
Q 2014-12-07: morality laws
Q 2014-09-26: challenge morality …
A 2014-04-23: http://www.dict.cc/?s=against+morality
A 2010-01-24: It's more like the *popular interpretation* of morality and ethics.
A 2010-01-23: Morality is the yeast in the bread dough of kitsch
A 2008-01-28: yes, something like, I'll teach/instruct you about morality...
Q 2006-04-27: morality rates; co-morbidities
A 2005-12-01: there is also a fall in morals / morality / moral decency / moral practice

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