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English-German translation for: mortgage
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Dictionary English German: mortgage

Translation 1 - 50 of 287  >>

English German
NOUN   a mortgage | mortgages
VERB  to mortgage | mortgaged | mortgaged ... 
RealEst. to mortgage
to mortgage [a house]
belehnen [schweiz.]
to mortgageHypothek aufnehmen
to mortgagehypothekarisch belasten
fin. mortgage
Hypothek {f}
Pfand {n} [regional auch {m}]
law mortgage
Grundschuld {f}
law mortgage
Grundpfandrecht {n}
law mortgage
Grundpfand {n}
mortgagehypothekarische Belastung {f}
mortgageBelastung {f} eines Grundstücks
2 Words: Others
by mortgage {adv}hypothekarisch
mortgage-backed {adj}hypothekarisch gesichert
fin. mortgage-covered {adj}hypothekengedeckt
on mortgage {adv}hypothekarisch
2 Words: Nouns
law accessory mortgageHypothek {f}
amortization mortgageTilgungshypothek {f}
annuity mortgageHypothek {f} auf Rentenversicherungsbasis
asset mortgageAktivhypothek {f}
fin. blanket mortgageGesamthypothek {f}
RealEst. blanket mortgageGlobalbelastung {f}
RealEst. blanket mortgageGlobalgrundschuld {f}
cautionary mortgageSicherheitshypothek {f}
chattel mortgageSicherungsübereignung {f}
closed mortgagevoll belastete Hypothek {f}
conventional mortgageübliche Hypothek {f}
defaulted mortgagenotleidende Hypothek {f}
defaulted mortgagenicht bediente Hypothek {f}
first mortgageerste Hypothek {f}
first mortgageerstrangige Hypothek {f}
flexible mortgageanpassungsfähige Hypothek {f}
general mortgageGesamthypothek {f}
econ. fin. RealEst. home mortgageHaushypothek {f}
fin. RealEst. house mortgageHauskredit {m}
fin. installment mortgage [Am.]Ratenhypothek {f}
junior mortgagenachrangige Hypothek {f}
junior mortgagenachstellige Hypothek {f}
legal mortgageSicherungshypothek {f}
mortgage accountHypothekenkonto {n}
law mortgage actionHypothekenklage {f} [auf Zahlung oder Herausgabe]
mortgage advanceHypothekendarlehen {n}
fin. jobs mortgage adviserHypothekenberater {m}
fin. jobs mortgage advisorHypothekenberater {m}
mortgage agencyHypothekenkreditanstalt {f}
fin. mortgage agreementHypothekenvertrag {m}
mortgage amortizationHypothekenabzahlung {f}
mortgage amortizationHypothekentilgung {f}
admin. fin. mortgage applicationAntrag {m} auf eine Hypothek
mortgage arrearsrückständige Hypothekenzahlungen {pl}
mortgage assignmentAbtretung {f} einer Hypothek
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A 2023-12-18: 2. relitigate 3. equitable mortgage
A 2018-06-30: Meanings of +pignerare > to give as a pledge, to pledge, pawn, mortgage+
Q 2017-03-02: home mortgage
A 2015-03-18: a mortgage ?
Q 2014-04-25: Deposit for Mortgage.
Q 2013-11-02: Home mortgage slave Gibt es deutsche Entsprechungen?
A 2013-03-30: Mortgage document
A 2012-11-27: Isn't is from the other point of view to mortgage?
A 2012-11-27: hmmm - for me it's more like to mortgage .... ?!
A 2012-05-28: I think a +Satz+ or +Haussatz+ is a second mortgage ("loan") on a house ("...
Q 2011-07-27: to mortgage or charge a share
Q 2009-12-29: mortgage-related debt
A 2009-12-14: Ich habe mortgage lien nicht abgecheckt.
A 2009-12-14: Grundpfandrecht: mortgage lien
A 2009-06-23: I'd say so. See: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22rem...
Q 2009-06-23: note and mortgage
Q 2009-05-18: Holdings will foreclosure the mortgage that is has on the property
Q 2009-05-18: Holdings began a mortgage foreclosure against the real estate
Q 2009-03-03: underwriting cycle / mortgage indemnity / contest poor claims
Q 2009-03-02: Mortgage indemnity

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