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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: most recent
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Dictionary English German: most recent

Translation 1 - 50 of 1772  >>

ADJ   recent | more recent | most recent
most recent {adj}jüngste
most recent {adj}modernste
most recent {adj}neueste
Keywords contained
(most) recent pastjüngste Vergangenheit {f}
most recent amendmentletzte Änderung {f}
most recent disclosurejüngste Veröffentlichung {f}
comp. Internet most recent imageneuestes Bild {n}
The most recent example was ...Jüngstes Beispiel ist ...
Partial Matches
recent {adj}aus jüngster Zeit [nachgestellt]
recent {adj}frisch [neu, eben erst entstanden]
recent {adj}jüngst
recent {adj}kürzlich erfolgt
recent {adj}modern
recent {adj}neu [jüngst]
recent {adj}neuen Datums
recent {adj}neuer [nur attr.: aus jüngerer, letzter Zeit]
recent {adj}neuere
recent {adj}neueste
recent {adj}rezent [österr.] [auch fachspr.]
recent {adj}vor kurzem stattgefunden
recent {adj} [event]noch nicht lange zurückliegend [Ereignis]
more recent {adj}neueren Datums
recent analysisaktuelle Analyse {f}
publ. recent bookNeuerscheinung {f} [Buch]
recent daysdie letzten Tage {pl} [die Tage zuvor]
recent developmentNeuentwicklung {f}
recent developmentsNeuentwicklungen {pl}
recent epochgegenwärtige Epoche {f}
recent estimatesneueste Schätzungen {pl}
recent eventjüngstes Ereignis {n}
recent eventkürzliches Ereignis {n} [nicht standardsprachlich] [jüngstes Ereignis]
recent eventsjüngste Ereignisse {pl}
sociol. recent immigrantNeueinwanderer {m}
recent issueneueste Ausgabe {f} [Zeitschrift etc.]
recent issuevor kurzem erfolgte Emission {f}
recent ordersjüngste Aufträge {pl}
publ. recent publicationNeuerscheinung {f} [allg.]
mus. recent publicationNeuveröffentlichung {f}
publ. recent publicationsNova {pl} [fachspr. Neuerscheinungen]
recent releaseNeuerscheinung {f} [Tonträger, Video etc.]
recent studyaktuelle Studie {f}
recent tracesfrische Spuren {pl}
from recent times {adv}aus letzter Zeit
in recent days {adv}in den letzten Tagen
in recent days {adv}in den vergangenen Tagen
in recent decades {adv}in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten
in recent history {adv}in der jüngeren Geschichte {f}
in recent times {adv}in jüngster Zeit
in recent times {adv}neuerdings
in recent weeks {adv}in den vergangenen Wochen
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A 2021-04-15: The most recent example
A 2015-05-06: Our continuously expanding stock together with the most recent product dev...
A 2012-10-20: Thank you for arguing - and for following the most recent suggestions, ...
A 2010-12-09: most recent flood - thanks Laura!
A 2010-11-08: The most recent use in the active form
A 2010-01-08: UK - most recent first ... and full driving licence or clean driving li...
A 2009-12-07: The most recent(ly given) example was ...
A 2009-02-06: The most recent delivery would be the latest.
A 2009-02-06: latest/most recent
A 2008-11-16: I think the most recent entry is on top of the list, so there's no order o...
A 2008-11-05: the newest/most recent developments present a challenge to the scientific ...
A 2007-11-05: ... the media most recently used to publicise/showcase/highlight/whatever ...
Q 2006-03-24: ?jüngere Vergangenheit = most recently oder in the latest past? THks...
A 2005-08-26: most recently, lately
A 2004-03-16: the present and the most recent past

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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