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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: mouch about / around
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: mouch about around

Translation 1 - 50 of 3136  >>

Keywords contained
to mouch about / around [chiefly Br.] [coll.] [loiter, hang around]herumhängen [ugs.] [herumlungern]
Partial Matches
to mouch about [esp. Br.] [sl.] [mooch]herumlungern
rummaged around / about {past-p}herumgestöbert
strewn around / about {adj} {past-p}verstreut
to chase around / aboutherumhetzen [ugs.]
to crash around / aboutLärm machen
to float about / aroundim Umlauf sein
to fool about / aroundkalbern [ugs.] [seltener] [herumalbern]
to gambol around / aboutherumtollen
to hawk about / aroundGerüchte verbreiten
to jump around / aboutherumspringen [ugs.]
to linger about / aroundherumtrödeln [ugs.]
to loll about / aroundsich herumlümmeln [ugs.]
to mill around / aboutherumlaufen
to mope about / aroundmit einer Jammermiene herumlaufen
to potter around / aboutherumfuhrwerken [ugs.]
to potter around / aboutherumwerkeln [bes. südd. österr.]
to potter around / aboutwerkeln [bes. südd. österr.]
to roam about / aroundumherirren
to rove around / aboutumherstreichen
to rove around / aboutvagabundieren [umherziehen, sich herumtreiben]
to stare around / aboutumherstarren [mit starren Blicken umhersehen]
to strut around / aboutherumstolzieren [ugs.]
to thrash about / aroundum sich schlagen
to whirl about / aroundim Kreise drehen [schnell]
jumping about / aroundHopserei {f} [ugs.]
dance leaping about / aroundHopserei {f} [ugs.]
trampling (about / around)Getrampel {n}
to bandy sth. about / aroundmit etw. (nur so) um sich werfen [fig.]
to bugger about / around [vulg.]Scheiß machen [vulg.]
to goof about / around [coll.]herumpfuschen [ugs.]
to laze around / about [coll.]baronisieren [ugs.] [pej.] [untätig sein]
to order sb. about / aroundjdn. herumbefehlen
to rush about / around [frantically]sichAkk. abäschern [regional] [bes. nordd.] [sich sehr abhetzen]
to scatter sth. around / aboutetw. überall verstreuen
to snoop (around / about) [coll.]rumschnüffeln [ugs.] [spionieren]
to snoop around / about [coll.]herumschnüffeln [ugs.] [pej.]
to snoop around / about [coll.]herumspionieren [ugs.]
to run about / round / aroundumeinanderlaufen [südd., österr.: herumlaufen]
sb. bummed around / about [coll.]jd. lungerte herum [ugs.]
sb. bums around / about [coll.]jd. lungert herum [ugs.]
to bugger about / around [Br.] [coarse]rumblödeln [ugs.]
to faff about / around [coll.] [Br.]Zeit vertrödeln
to hover (around / about sth.) [fig.]sichAkk. (in der Nähe von etw.Dat.) herumtreiben [ugs.] [pej.]
to loaf about / around [Br.] [coll.]lungern [ugs.]
to rummage around / about [in / for]kramen [in / nach]
(somewhere) around about eightish {adv} [coll.]gegen acht (Uhr)
idiom to mope about / around the housezu Hause hocken und Trübsal blasen [ugs.]
math. tech. rotation around / about a pointDrehung {f} um einen Punkt
to rush around / about sth. [flow quickly]etw.Akk. umfließen
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