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English-German translation for: mouse
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Dictionary English German: mouse

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NOUN1   a mouse | mice
NOUN2   a mouse [computing] | mice/mouses
VERB  to mouse | moused | moused ... 
SYNO   computer mouse | mouse | black eye ... 
SYNO   Maus | Mouse
comp. mouse {adj} [attr.]
zool. mouse {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bait, population, pup]
zool. mouse {adj} [attr.] [e.g. hole, trap]
to mouse
mausen [veraltet] [Mäuse fangen]
to mouseMäuse fangen
comp. zool. mouse
Maus {f}
comp. mouse2
Mouse {f}
med. mouse [coll.] [black eye]blaues Auge {n} [fig.]
2 Words: Others
Mickey Mouse {adj} [coll.]lachhaft
Mickey Mouse {adj} [coll.]auf Kindergartenniveau [ugs.]
mouse-colored {adj} [Am.]mausgrau
mouse-coloured {adj} [Br.]mausgrau
comp. mouse-controlled {adj}mausgesteuert
mouse-gray {adj} [Am.]mausgrau
mouse-grey {adj} [Br.]mausgrau
mouse-like {adj}mausähnlich
zool. mouse-sized {adj}mausgroß
zool. mouse-sized {adj}von der Größe einer Maus [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Verbs
comp. to mouse over sth.mit dem Mauszeiger über etw. fahren
2 Words: Nouns
comp. (mouse) cursorMauscursor {m}
comp. (mouse) cursorMauspfeil {m} [ugs.] [seltener für: Mauszeiger]
comp. (mouse) cursorMauszeiger {m}
comp. (mouse) pointerMauszeiger {m}
comp. 3D mouse3D-Maus {f}
pharm. zool. athymic mouseathymische Maus {f}
pharm. zool. baby mouseBabymaus {f}
pharm. zool. baby mouseBaby-Maus {f}
comp. computer mouseComputermaus {f}
comp. cordless mouseschnurlose Maus {f}
correction mouseKorrekturmaus {f}
zool. feeder mouseFuttermaus {f}
med. joint mouse [Corpus liberum]Gelenkmaus {f} [freier Gelenkkörper]
med. joint mouse [Corpus liberum]freier Gelenkkörper {m} [Gelenkmaus]
pharm. zool. knockout mouseKnockout-Maus {f}
laboratory mouseLabormaus {f}
little mouseMäuschen {n}
little mouseMauserl {n} [ugs.] [österr.] [bayer.]
little mouseMäuslein {n}
zool. male mouseMäuserich {m}
med. mouse arm [coll.] [repetitive strain injury syndrome]Mausarm {m} [ugs.] [RSI-Syndrom]
mouse baitMäuseköder {m}
zool. mouse boneMäuseknochen {m}
zool. mouse bonesMäuseknochen {pl}
biol. mouse brainMäusehirn {n}
comp. mouse bungeeMauskabelhalter {m}
comp. mouse buttonMaustaste {f}
comp. mouse cableMauskabel {n}
mouse cageMäusekäfig {m}
comp. mouse clickMausklick {m}
comp. mouse connectorMausbuchse {f}
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A 2023-07-15: mouse knee-deep -- weird, as you wish
A 2018-02-16: Wollmaus, Lurch etc. > clump of dust, dust bunny / kitten / kitty / mouse (US)
A 2015-09-11: You can see the original here - http://www.amazon.com/The-Mouse-Mile-Green...
Q 2015-04-01: Komplizierter Patenttext über Prozesssteuerungssystem (Abgabe 06.04.2015) ...
A 2015-01-02: house mouse > hice mice
A 2014-11-07: Why don't you additionally instal a mouse?
A 2014-03-10: A mouse, of which none are otherwise seen around here,
A 2014-02-09: mouse whiskers - abscheulich?
A 2013-05-31: After you've clicked on play, move mouse over the dishes to see what's inside;-)
A 2013-05-12: If you don't know what a doodle is supposed to mean, move the mouse over t...
A 2013-04-22: move mouse back and forth, left and right, especially over the flowers are...
A 2012-12-29: Maybe 5dots got a mouse in his pocket.
A 2012-12-13: http://mistermouse.ca/blog/28-what-is-the-best-mouse-trap
A 2012-12-09: My own "Christmas Mouse" version
A 2012-11-27: Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse et al benutzen den "Erikativ": Knurr! Grummel! ...
A 2012-11-23: The Mouse of Baskerville
A 2012-11-23: Sad story. Poor mouse.
Q 2012-03-02: Mouse Clicks on Audio Recordings
A 2011-11-21: Mouse-Over expands to full name?
Q 2011-10-17: Hi, What is the meaning of "He's a computer mouse fiddler to the core"? Th...

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