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English-German translation for: mouth
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Dictionary English German: mouth

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NOUN   a mouth | mouths
VERB  to mouth | mouthed | mouthed ... 
SYNO   mouth | mouthpiece | to mouth ... 
mouth {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cavity, care, rinse]
Mund- [z. B. Höhle, Pflege, Wasser]
to mouth [utter without conviction or understanding]
to mouth sth. [utter indistinctly]
etw. brabbeln [ugs.]
to mouth sth. [say sth. in a pompous way]
etw. deklamieren [in pathetischem Ton über etw. sprechen]
to mouth sth. [move the lips as if saying sth., e.g. words of farewell]etw. [unhörbar] mit den Lippen formen [z. B. Abschiedsworte]
anat. mouth
Mund {m}
zool. mouth
Maul {n}
geogr. hydro. mouth [of river]
Mündung {f}
mouth [pout, grimace]
Grimasse {f}
geogr. mouth [of path]
Einmündung {f}
Öffnung {f}
Gosche {f} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
zool. mouth
Rachen {m}
Latz {f} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Mund]
naut. mouth [of a harbour]
Einfahrt {f} [Hafeneinfahrt]
Hobelmaul {n}
mouth [extruder]
Kopf {m} [Extruder]
geogr. Bournemouth <B'mouth> [Br.]Bournemouth {n}
mouth [as a speech organ]Pappalatur {f} [österr.] [südd.] [regional]
mouth [esp. Irish] [sl.] [pej.] [sb. who talks too much, a secret leaker]Schwätzer {m} [pej.] [jd. der schwätzt, schwatzt, Geheimnisse ausplaudert]
mouth [excessive or unwise talk]Gequassel {n}
mus. mouth [of an organ pipe]Aufschnitt {m} [einer Orgelpfeife] [auch: Mundloch]
2 Words: Others
med. pharm. by mouth {adv}durch den Mund
med. pharm. by mouth {adv} <p.o., po> [per os]oral
foaming mouth {adj}geifernd
foaming mouth {adj}schäumend [vor Wut]
mouth-blown {adj}mundgeblasen [Glas]
gastr. mouth-watering {adj}köstlich
mouth-watering {adj}lecker
mouth-watering {adj}schmackhaft
2 Words: Verbs
to bad-mouth sb. [coll.]jdn. beschimpfen
to bad-mouth sb. [coll.]schlecht über jdn. reden
to cover sb.'s mouth [with one's hand]jdm. den Mund zuhalten
hunting to give mouthanschlagen [Hund]
hunting to give mouthLaut geben [Hund]
2 Words: Nouns
(mouth) atomizerMundzerstäuber {m}
(mouth) atomizerFixativ-Röhrchen {n}
audio MedTech. artificial mouthkünstlicher Mund {m}
big mouthGroßschnauze {f}
big mouth [coll.]Großmaul {n} [ugs.]
biol. cell mouthZellmund {m}
cotton-mouth [fig.] [coll.]ausgetrockneter Mund {m} [Mundtrockenheit]
geol. Unverified crater mouthKraterloch {n}
med. dry mouthMundtrockenheit {f}
dry mouthtrockener Mund {m}
geogr. estuary mouthMündung {f} ins Meer
filthy mouth [also fig.]dreckiges Maul {n} [ugs.] [auch fig.]
fire mouthFeueröffnung {f}
foul-mouthDreckschleuder {f} [ugs.]
girl's mouthMädchenmund {m}
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A 2023-03-15: From the Westminster horse's mouth
A 2022-12-17: +Law Enforcement Agency+ in the UK? From the horse's mouth
Q 2022-07-28: weak mouth
A 2022-01-13: From the horse's mouth
A 2020-10-22: From the horse's mouth: Control, Command and Signalling (CCS)
A 2020-09-12: all mouth and no trousers: haha, might not be common, but for sure "tongue...
A 2020-09-11: All mouth and no trousers, perhaps.
A 2019-10-07: Haupttrunk = Trunk; hier sagen sie "on the palate / in the mouth"
A 2019-04-12: From the horse's mouth https://www.dwds.de/wb/verrenten
A 2018-12-18: From the horse's mouth: arteriae carotidis internae
A 2018-11-26: should be e.g. a wooden or glass dog sculpture whose mouth served as a dec...
A 2017-09-06: From the horse's mouth: +Where Is My Accent From? "Highly Requested"!+ htt...
Q 2016-11-15: sat there with his teeth in his mouth
Q 2016-04-19: “The mouth on that chippie"
A 2015-09-03: Tour: from the horse's mouth
A 2015-05-27: It's describing his teeth, not the shape of his mouth.
Q 2015-04-17: to smart mouth someone
A 2015-03-04: while he dissolved his last malt lozenge in his mouth
A 2014-10-11: "foot-in-mouth disease" might be good karma
A 2014-08-02: very viscous mouth wash? :-)

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