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English-German translation for: movable
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Dictionary English German: movable

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

English German
ADJ   movable | more movable | most movable
NOUN   a movable | movables
SYNO   movable | moveable | transferable ... 
movable {adj}
movable {adj}
movable {adj}
movable {adj} [e.g. furniture]
verrückbar [z. B. Möbel]
MedTech. tech. movable {adj} [e.g. table top]
verfahrbar [beweglich]
tech. movable {adj}
mitfahrend [Sender, Empfänger, Bolzen usw.]
movable {adj}ortsbeweglich
movable {adj}wegfahrbar [bewegbar, verfahrbar]
movable [furniture]beweglicher Einrichtungsgegenstand {m}
2 Words: Others
rail-movable {adj}schienenverfahrbar
2 Words: Nouns
movable equipment {sg}bewegliche Gerätschaften {pl}
relig. movable feastbeweglicher Feiertag {m} [wie Ostern]
relig. movable feastbeweglicher Festtag {m} [wie Ostern]
relig. movable feastbewegliches Fest {n} [wie Ostern]
movable goodsbewegliche Güter {pl}
movable goods {pl}bewegliches Gut {n}
tech. movable guard [ISO 12100]bewegliche trennende Schutzeinrichtung {f} [ISO 12100]
movable holidaybeweglicher Feiertag {m}
med. movable kidney [Ren mobilis, Ren migrans]Wanderniere {f}
biol. zool. movable maxillarybeweglicher Oberkiefer {m}
MedTech. tech. movable partbewegliches Teil {n}
MedTech. tech. movable partsbewegliche Teile {pl}
tech. movable platebewegliche Platte {f}
movable propertybewegliche Habe {f}
law movable propertyfahrende Habe {f} [geh.] [veraltet]
movable property {sg}Effekten {pl} [bes. schweiz.] [sonst veraltet: bewegliche Habe]
movable property {sg}bewegliche Güter {pl}
print movable typebewegliche Lettern {pl}
movable wallsStellwände {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
furn. (movable) storage containerRollcontainer {m} [Büro]
constr. movable scaffolding system <MSS>Vorschubgerüst {n}
constr. movable scaffolding system <MSS>Vorschubrüstung {f}
law movable tangible property {sg}bewegliche körperliche Gegenstände {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
lien on movable objectsPfandrecht {n} auf bewegliche Sachen
theatre movable piece of sceneryVersatzstück {n}
5+ Words: Others
tech. Check all movable parts for ease of movement.Alle beweglichen Teile auf Freigängigkeit prüfen.
5+ Words: Nouns
letting of a movable productVermietung {f} eines beweglichen Gutes
transp. movable bridge for road trafficbewegliche Brücke {f} für den Straßenverkehr
law movable thing either lost or stolenabhandengekommene Sache {f}
law movable thing either lost or stolenabhanden gekommene Sache {f} [alt]
tech. permanently installed and movable loadsfeste und bewegliche Verbraucher {pl}
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Q 2023-03-10: Sind "moveable" und "movable" immer austauschbar?
A 2009-05-13: try - +the established bundle and pallet norms is indicated with (movable...
A 2007-05-22: I think it means that you can adjust the height of this movable desk
A 2005-05-25: movables, movable assets
A 2004-10-13: halbhoch = half height movable partitions

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