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Dictionary English German: moving

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ADJ   moving | more moving | most moving
NOUN1   moving | -
NOUN2   a moving | movings
VERB  to move | moved | moved
moving | moves
moving {adj} {pres-p}
moving {adj} {pres-p}
moving {adj} {pres-p}
comp. MedTech. photo. moving {adj} [e.g. image, image data, objects]
bewegt [z. B. Bild, Bilddaten, Objekte]
moving {adj} {pres-p}
moving {adj}
moving {adj}
moving {adj} {pres-p} [liquid]
strömend [Flüssigkeit]
moving {adj} {pres-p}
Rücken {n}
moving [e.g. of vehicles]
Bewegen {n} [z. B. von Fahrzeugen]
movingVerlegung {f} (nach)
2 Words: Others
biol. anterogradely moving {adj} {pres-p} [vesicle, particle, etc.]sich vorwärtsbewegend
biol. anterogradely moving {adj} {pres-p} [vesicle, particle, etc.]sich vorwärts bewegend [alt]
deeply moving {adj}herzergreifend
fast-moving {adj}schnelllebig
fast-moving {adj}sich schnell bewegend
fast-moving [e.g. process]schnell ablaufend [z. B. Prozess, Vorgang]
fast-moving {adj} [traffic, water, etc.]schnellfließend [Verkehr, Wasser etc.]
fastest moving {adj}schnelllebigste
Get moving!Beweg dich!
Keep moving!Weitergehen!
moving awayabrückend
moving intoeinziehend
moving onfortbewegend
moving togetherzusammenrückend
moving upaufrückend
needle-moving {adj} [fig.] [rare]ausschlaggebend
non-moving {adj}stationär
non-moving {adj}nicht beweglich
comp. MedTech. photo. non-moving {adj} [e.g. image, image data, objects]unbewegt [z. B. Bild, Bilddaten, Objekte]
slow-moving {adj}langsam
slow-moving {adj}langsam gehend
slow-moving {adj}nur langsam vorankommend
slow-moving {adj}sich langsam bewegend
slow-moving {adj}sich nur langsam bewegend
We're moving! [move house]Wir ziehen um!
2 Words: Verbs
traffic travel TrVocab. to get moving [coll.]sich in Marsch setzen
to start moving [horses, cars]anziehen [sich in Bewegung setzen]
rail traffic transp. to start moving [sth. on wheels] [also fig.]anrollen [beginnen zu rollen] [auch fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
glass movingGläseln {n}
glass movingGläserrücken {n}
RealEst. house movingUmzug {m}
moving allowanceUmzugsgeld {n}
moving allowanceUmzugshilfe {f}
moving averagegleitender Durchschnitt {m}
moving averagegleitender Kursdurchschnitt {m}
math. stat. moving averagegleitender Mittelwert {m}
moving averagesgleitender Durchschnitt {m}
moving awayWegzug {m}
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A 2021-04-20: E.g. +moving+ and +touching+
A 2021-04-10: moving...
A 2021-04-09: moving van
A 2021-04-08: Moving van ist in Amiland ebenfalls sehr gebräuchlich.
A 2019-09-14: Euro / Chinesischer Renminbi Yuan (EUR/CNY) mit MAV (moving average) 30 un...
Q 2017-05-09: The queue is hardly moving
A 2017-01-13: "moving news streams in Times Square"
A 2016-09-05: English native speakers, please comment on the entry "authority for moving...
A 2015-10-16: "Moving" would do it as well
Q 2015-07-20: Hörverstehen(Sabstian Schweinsteiger moving to Man Utd- beats audio advert)
Q 2015-06-02: you keep on moving far away
A 2015-05-16: moving average lag
A 2015-04-19: Moving bees
A 2015-01-29: A "moving" example of trying to translate via a second language.
A 2015-01-22: In confirmation of +moving firefight+ Military hierarchy: firefight - bat...
A 2014-10-23: "dynamisch" is Business-Sprech and means anything from "forward moving" to...
A 2014-09-16: reminds me - moving a comma saved a life
A 2014-07-14: the force that keeps things moving
A 2014-05-19: moving parts?
A 2013-11-21: moving date

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