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English-German translation for: muscle
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Dictionary English German: muscle

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NOUN   a muscle | muscles
VERB  to muscle | muscled | muscled ... 
muscle {adj} [attr.]
to muscle [coll.] [fig.]
to muscle sth. [coll.]
etw. schaffen [mit Muskelkraft]
anat. muscle [musculus]
Muskel {m}
muscle [fig.] [effective strength, influence]
Stärke {f} [Einfluss, Macht]
muscle [fig.] [influence]
Einfluss {m} [Macht, Stärke]
2 Words: Others
muscle-bound {adj} [also pej.]muskelbepackt [ugs.]
muscle-building {adj}muskelaufbauend
spec. muscle-specific {adj}muskelspezifisch
med. muscle-stimulating {adj}muskelstimulierend
anat. biol. smooth-muscle {adj} [attr.]glattmuskulär
2 Words: Verbs
to muscle inmitmischen
2 Words: Nouns
(hired) muscle {sg} [sl.](angeheuerte) Schläger {pl}
biol. (muscle) twitchMuskelzuckung {f}
anat. biol. ab (muscle) [coll.] [short for: abdominal muscle]Bauchmuskel {m}
anat. abdominal muscle [musculus abdominis]Bauchmuskel {m}
anat. biol. abductor (muscle) [Musculus abductor]abspreizender Muskel {m}
zool. abductor muscleAbduktormuskel {m}
anat. abductor muscle [Musculus abductor]Abduktionsmuskel {m}
anat. adductor (muscle) [Musculus adductor]heranziehender Muskel {m}
anat. adductor muscle [Musculus adductor]Adduktor {m}
anat. anconeus (muscle) [Musculus anconeus]Ellenbogenhöckermuskel {m}
anat. anconeus (muscle) [Musculus anconeus]Ellenbogenmuskel {m}
anat. anconeus (muscle) [musculus anconeus]Musculus anconeus {m}
anat. zool. annular muscleRingmuskel {m}
anat. biol. zool. antagonistic muscleAntagonist {m} [Gegenmuskel]
anat. biol. zool. antagonistic muscleGegenmuskel {m}
anat. biol. zool. antagonistic muscleGegenspieler {m} [Gegenmuskel, Antagonist]
anat. arm muscleArmmuskel {m}
anat. back muscleRückenmuskel {m}
anat. biceps muscle [Musculus biceps brachii]Bizeps {m}
anat. biceps muscle [Musculus biceps brachii]zweiköpfiger Armbeuger {m}
anat. biceps muscle [Musculus biceps brachii]zweiköpfiger Oberarmmuskel {m} [Bizeps]
anat. bipennate muscle [Musculus bipennatus]zweiseitig gefiederter Muskel {m}
anat. VetMed. brachialis (muscle) [Musculus brachialis, Brachialis anticus]Oberarmmuskel {m}
anat. brachialis (muscle) [musculus brachialis]Musculus brachialis {m}
anat. brachioradialis (muscle) [Musculus brachioradialis]Oberarmspeichenmuskel {m}
anat. brachioradialis (muscle) [musculus brachioradialis]Musculus brachioradialis {m}
med. bruised musclegeprellter Muskel {m}
anat. biol. buccinator (muscle) [Musculus buccinator, Musculus buccinatorius]Trompetermuskel {m}
anat. VetMed. buccinator (muscle) [Musculus buccinator]Backenmuskel {m}
anat. buccinator muscle [Musculus buccinator]Wangenmuskel {m}
anat. VetMed. buccinator muscle [musculus buccinator]Musculus buccinatorius {m} [veraltet] [Musculus buccinator]
anat. bulbospongiosus (muscle) [Musculus bulbospongiosus]Bulbospongiosus {m}
anat. bulbospongiosus (muscle) [Musculus bulbospongiosus]Musculus bulbospongiosus {m}
anat. calf muscleWadenmuskel {m}
anat. cardiac muscle <CM> [Myocardium]Herzmuskel {m}
anat. cheek muscleWangenmuskel {m}
anat. cheek muscle [Musculus buccinator] [buccinator muscle]Trompetermuskel {m}
anat. chest muscleBrustmuskel {m}
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Q 2023-04-29: to pull a muscle, to strain a muscle
A 2020-10-25: der Muscle-up (noch nicht im Duden)
Q 2020-10-25: Muscle up?
A 2014-12-15: Get Rid From Fat And Build Muscle
A 2013-08-28: "Athlet" refers to the physical aspect, to the muscle mass ("all brawn and...
A 2013-08-18: muscle meat
Q 2013-06-23: Medizinischer E-Learning-Text, Abgabe Montag 11 Uhr, " focal muscle relaxi...
A 2013-03-07: Muscle knots are yet another situation.
A 2012-11-11: http://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&site=webhp&source...
A 2012-11-11: I agree with sunfunlili's answer (liguistically - fat doesn't really turn ...
A 2012-11-11: you turn fat into muscle .... and you get/become fat .....
A 2012-09-08: more likely, "muscle-loving" here > "von hubraumgroßen Motoren angetane" o.ä.
Q 2012-09-07: muscle-loving
A 2011-11-22: muscle building
A 2011-11-02: Muscle Pump heißt auch in DE so, ist eine Muskelübung (Langhanteltraining).
Q 2011-11-02: muscle pump im Bodybuilderjargon - wie heißt das bloß - Danke!
A 2011-10-28: Agree with alex: probably the point of origination at the rib of something...
Q 2011-09-11: "muscle" hijackers
Q 2011-07-09: strap muscle
A 2011-06-17: Flex your mental muscle

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