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English-German translation for: muscles
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Dictionary English German: muscles

Translation 1 - 50 of 113  >>

English German
NOUN   a muscle | muscles
VERB  to muscle | muscled | muscled
muscling | muscles
Muskeln {pl}
anat. muscles {pl} [musculature]
Muskulatur {f}
2 Words: Nouns
(bulging) musclesMuckis {pl} [ugs.]
anat. biol. ab muscles {pl} <abs> [coll.] [Musculi abdominis]Bauchmuskulatur {f}
anat. abdominal muscles [Musculi abdominis]Bauchmuskeln {pl}
anat. abdominal muscles {pl}Bauchmuskulatur {f}
med. aching muscles {pl}Muskelkater {m}
anat. adjacent musclesbenachbarte Muskeln {pl}
anat. antagonistic musclesGegenmuskeln {pl}
anat. arm musclesArmmuskeln {pl}
anat. back muscles {pl}Rückenmuskulatur {f}
anat. biceps musclesBizepsmuskeln {pl}
anat. chest muscles {pl}Brustmuskulatur {f}
anat. sports core muscles {pl} [torso muscles]Rumpfmuskulatur {f}
anat. deltoid musclesDeltamuskeln {pl}
anat. expiratory musclesexspiratorische Muskeln {pl}
anat. biol. face musclesGesichtsmuskeln {pl}
anat. biol. face muscles {pl}Gesichtsmuskulatur {f}
anat. facial muscles [Musculi faciei]Gesichtsmuskeln {pl}
anat. facial muscles {pl} [Musculi faciei]Gesichtsmuskulatur {f}
zool. flight muscles {pl}Flugmuskulatur {f}
anat. forearm musclesUnterarmmuskeln {pl}
anat. forearm muscles {pl}Unterarmmuskulatur {f}
gill musclesKiemenmuskeln {pl}
anat. gluteal muscles {pl}Glutealmuskulatur {f}
anat. hamstring musclesischiocrurale Muskeln {pl} [auch: ischiocrurale Muskulatur]
anat. med. hamstring musclesHüft- und Kniebeuger {pl} [ischiokrurale Muskulatur]
anat. med. hamstring muscles {pl}Muskulatur {f} der Oberschenkelrückseite [ischiokrurale Muskulatur]
anat. hand musclesHandmuskeln {pl}
anat. hand muscles {pl} [musculature]Handmuskulatur {f}
anat. biol. hip musclesHüftmuskeln {pl} [Hüftmuskulatur]
anat. biol. hip muscles {pl}Hüftmuskulatur {f}
anat. infrahyoid musclesinfrahyoide Muskeln {pl}
anat. intercostal muscles [Musculi intercostales]Zwischenrippenmuskeln {pl}
anat. intercostal muscles {pl} [Musculi intercostales]Zwischenrippenmuskulatur {f}
anat. ischiocrural musclesOberschenkelflexoren {pl}
anat. jaw musclesKiefermuskeln {pl}
anat. sports zool. jumping muscles {pl}Sprungmuskulatur {f}
anat. laryngeal muscles {pl}Kehlkopfmuskulatur {f}
anat. laryngeal muscles {pl}Larynxmuskulatur {f}
anat. leg musclesBeinmuskeln {pl}
anat. leg muscles {pl} [musculature]Beinmuskulatur {f}
anat. masticatory muscles {pl}Kaumuskulatur {f}
anat. biol. mimic muscles {pl}mimische Muskulatur {f} [Gesichtsmuskulatur]
anat. biol. zool. neck musclesNackenmuskeln {pl}
anat. ocular musclesAugenmuskeln {pl}
anat. palatal musclesGaumenmuskeln {pl}
anat. palate muscles {pl}Gaumenmuskulatur {f}
anat. papillary musclesPapillarmuskeln {pl}
anat. pectoral musclesBrustmuskeln {pl}
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A 2015-09-05: Kimera Thermo- Maximize your muscles without side effect
Q 2013-03-07: muscles have tightened past the point of rigor mortis
A 2011-12-27: sore muscles
A 2011-09-15: nö .... http://www.livestrong.com/article/156836-facial-muscles-tension-ex...
A 2011-05-22: arm muscles = biceps
Q 2011-02-16: sling muscles and muscular slings
A 2010-08-17: loosens muscles and prevents cramping and injuries from typing,... ;-)
A 2010-04-08: hardening of the muscles od. muscle hardening kann man auch sagen, wenn ma...
A 2010-01-04: finger-flexing muscles
A 2009-06-29: Description: contract and loosen one's muscles
A 2009-06-27: contributes to / towards the supply of the trained muscles
A 2009-05-18: Given that muscles don't stay what they are without any effort, "maintain"...
A 2009-03-26: Either +trucks which muscle+ or +truck which muscles+
A 2008-12-27: and the way the muscles insert on it
A 2008-04-15: Google certainly knows "bone muscles" - but watch out for the entries with...
A 2008-01-08: muscular = relating to muscles, musculous = full of muscles
A 2008-01-07: Yet, a big biceps is (big muscles are) no impediment for being assertive a...
A 2007-04-26: deep-lying muscles
A 2007-04-25: even the deep muscles....
A 2007-02-23: ...the interaction of teeth, mastication muscles and jaw joint is recorded...

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