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English-German translation for: mushrooms
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Dictionary English German: mushrooms

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

English German
NOUN   a mushroom | mushrooms
VERB  to mushroom | mushroomed | mushroomed
mushrooming | mushrooms
mycol. mushrooms
Pilze {pl}
mycol. T
2 Words: Verbs
to collect mushroomsPilze sammeln
to gill (mushrooms)die Lamellen (von Pilzen) entfernen
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. creamy mushroomsRahmpilze {pl}
mycol. edible mushroomsgenießbare Pilze {pl}
gastr. fine mushroomsEdelpilze {pl}
gastr. gourmet mushroomsEdelpilze {pl}
drugs mycol. hallucinogenic mushroomshalluzinogene Pilze {pl}
drugs mycol. magic mushrooms [coll.]Zauberpilze {pl} [ugs.] [psychoaktiv wirkende Pilze]
drugs mycol. magic mushrooms [coll.] [genus Psilocybe, family Strophariaceae] [psilocybin mushrooms]psilocybinhaltige Pilze {pl}
mycol. medicinal mushroomsHeilpilze {pl}
mycol. poison mushroomsGiftpilze {pl}
drugs mycol. psychedelic mushroomspsychoaktive Pilze {pl}
gastr. tinned mushrooms [Br.]Dosenchampignons {pl}
mycol. wild mushroomsWaldpilze {pl}
3 Words: Others
zool. feeding on mushrooms {adj} [postpos.]mykophag
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. baked stuffed mushroomsgefüllte Champignons {pl}
mycol. collection of mushroomsPilzsammlung {f}
for. glut of mushroomsPilzschwemme {f}
4 Words: Others
after eating the mushrooms {adv}nach dem Genuss der Pilze
4 Words: Verbs
to shoot up like mushroomswie die Pilze emporschießen [geh.]
to spring up like mushrooms [idiom]wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießen [Redewendung]
to spring up like mushrooms [idiom]wie Pilze aus der Erde schießen [Redewendung]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
FoodInd. mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
Giftpilze {pl}
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
gastr. mycol. T
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A 2014-12-16: Mushrooms
A 2014-09-22: oder: mushrooms without culinary value / use
A 2012-08-05: Ha, those magic mushrooms are indeed a likely explanation.
A 2011-04-25: Oder: "She did 7 pills, some mushrooms and 8 vodka."
A 2011-04-25: She popped seven pills, had a few mushrooms and knocked back eight vodkas
A 2010-08-16: Could be mushrooms too - Näglein.
A 2009-10-26: On Monday Sam eats neither mushrooms, oranges, ... nor .
Q 2009-10-26: Geht "On Monday Sam has no mushrooms, oranges,..."?
A 2009-10-16: "Im Mittagessen gab es Pilze" would mean that there is a stew with mushroo...
Q 2008-07-04: going through the mushrooms
A 2008-01-23: A large ham, mushrooms, mozzarella without garlic for me, and a bottle of ...
A 2008-01-23: I'll have onions, ham, mushrooms and peppers, please. :-)))
A 2007-10-11: champignon mushrooms with a brown rather than white head
A 2007-08-06: Das mit den brown mushrooms ist total ungenau
Q 2006-01-28: magic mushrooms
A 2005-01-14: mushrooms
A 2004-02-02: eatable mushrooms - eateable geht nicht - it is 'edible' in English

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