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English-German translation for: mutually
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Dictionary English German: mutually

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

English German
SYNO   mutually | reciprocally
mutually {adv}
mutually {adv}
mutually {adv}
mutually {adv} [by mutual agreement]
einvernehmlich [im gegenseitigen Einvernehmen]
mutually {adv}
mutually {adv}für beide
mutually {adv}für beide Seiten
mutually {adv}von beiden Seiten
2 Words: Others
mutually agreed {adj}einverständlich
mutually agreed {adj}einvernehmlich vereinbart
mutually exclusive {adj}einander ausschließend
mutually exclusive {adj}sich gegenseitig ausschließend
mutually incompatible {adj}miteinander unvereinbar
mutually intelligible {adj}gegenseitig verständlich
mutually interchangeable {adj}gegenseitig austauschbar
math. mutually prime {adj}teilerfremd
3 Words: Others
as mutually agreed {adv}wie gegenseitig vereinbart
not mutually exchangeable {adj}nicht gegenseitig austauschbar
3 Words: Verbs
to be mutually dependentsich gegenseitig bedingen
to be mutually exclusivesich gegenseitig ausschließen
3 Words: Nouns
mil. mutually assured destruction <MAD>gegenseitig zugesicherte Zerstörung {f}
mil. mutually assured destruction <MAD>beiderseitige Bereitschaft {f} zum nuklearen Gegenschlag
mutually exclusive ideaseinander ausschließende Vorstellungen {pl}
mutually satisfactory businessbeiderseitig zufriedenstellendes Ergebnis {n}
4 Words: Nouns
(mutually) supportive community / societySolidargemeinschaft {f}
mutually agreed contract terminationeinvernehmliche Vertragsauflösung {f}
law mutually agreed written formgewillkürte Schriftform {f}  127 BGB]
QM spec. mutually beneficial supplier relationshipsgegenseitige Vorteile {pl} in den Lieferantenbeziehungen
5+ Words: Others
at a mutually convenient time {adv}zu einem beiden Seiten genehmen Zeitpunkt [geh.]
at a mutually convenient time {adv}zu einem für beide Seiten annehmbaren Zeitpunkt
5+ Words: Nouns
a gentleman mutually known to usein Herr {m}, den wir beide kennen
a gentleman mutually known to usein Herr {m}, der uns beiden bekannt ist
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A 2022-10-09: Quote from the paper I cited under 17:15. It amply clarifies the meaning o...
A 2022-10-09: Mutually attentive
A 2018-09-18: each other + mutually
A 2016-03-01: mutually agreed plurality of pay scales
A 2014-12-04: My suggestion and the English phrase +mutually trusting relationship+ are ...
A 2014-12-04: Or else: mutually trusting cooperation
A 2014-12-04: a mutually trusting cooperation / working relation
A 2013-09-06: Agree. They're not mutually exclusive.
Q 2011-12-09: a mutually affectionate marriage
A 2011-06-18: Mutually
Q 2011-06-18: "I can mutually understand anybody"
A 2011-05-05: . . .in order to achieve mutually successful marketing measures for a grou...
A 2010-09-16: I'm saying "mutually interacting"
A 2010-09-03: move mutually
A 2010-09-03: mutually
A 2010-07-27: mutually profit from my experience
A 2010-04-09: they are mutually taken into account
A 2009-10-02: mutually
A 2009-01-29: Business and academia engage in a variety of mutually beneficial/helpful e...
A 2008-08-29: A and B mutually reinforced each other

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