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English-German translation for: myth-enshrouded
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Dictionary English German: myth enshrouded

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

myth-enshrouded {adj}sagenumwoben [geh.]
Partial Matches
enshrouded {adj} {past-p}eingehüllt
sth. enshroudedetw. hüllte ein
when sth. enshroudedals etw. einhüllte
enshrouded in / with / by clouds {adj}wolkenverhangen
mythMäre {f} [seltener für Mär] [veraltet]
lit. myth. relig. mythMythe {f} [veraltend] [Mythos]
myth. mythMythos {m}
myth. mythMythus {m} [geh.] [seltener für: Mythos]
lit. mythSage {f}
relig. Christ mythChristusmythe {f} [bes. Arthur Drews]
conspiracy mythVerschwörungsmythos {m}
lit. myth. counter-mythGegenmythos {m}
ethn. myth. relig. creation mythSchöpfungsmythe {f} [veraltend]
myth. flood mythFlutmythos {m}
myth. folk mythVolksmythos {m}
foundation mythGründungsmythos {m}
myth. foundational mythGründungsmythos {m}
hist. founding mythGründungsmythos {m}
sociol. generation mythGenerationenmythos {m}
myth. hero mythHeroenmythos {m}
historical mythGeschichtsmythos {m}
myth. Horus mythHorusmythos {m}
myth-makingMythenbildung {f}
national mythNationalmythos {m}
ethn. myth. relig. origin mythUrsprungsmythos {m}
lit. myth. Osiris mythOsirismythos {m}
popular mythverbreiteter Mythos {m} [Irrtum]
sociol. rape mythVergewaltigungsmythos {m}
relig. redeemer mythErlösermythos {m}
psych. rescue mythRettungsmythos {m}
ethn. lit. myth. tribal mythStammessage {f}
urban mythGroßstadtmythos {m}
urban mythurbane Legende {f}
to dispel a mythmit einem Mythos aufräumen
to disprove a mythein allgemein verbreitetes Gerücht widerlegen
idiom to explode a mytheinen Mythos als falsch entlarven
myth. relig. flood / Flood mythSintflutmythos {m}
ethn. lit. myth of originUrsprungsmythos {m}
myth. myth of OrpheusOrpheusmythos {m}
realm of mythSagenwelt {f}
theory of mythMythostheorie {f}
myth [fig.] [popular misconception]Mär {f} [fig.] [Irrglaube]
ethn. myth. relig. creation myth [sometimes derogatory]Schöpfungsmythos {m}
surrounded in myth {adj} [literary]mythenumwoben [literarisch]
enveloped in myth {adj} [postpos.] [literary]mythenumwoben [literarisch]
It's a myth. [fig.]Das ist ein Gerücht / Märchen.
shrouded in myth {adj} [postpos.] [literary]mythenumrankt [literarisch]
shrouded in myth {adj} [postpos.] [literary]mythenumwoben [literarisch]
to expose sth. as (a) mythetw. als Mythos entlarven
pol. stab-in-the-back mythDolchstoßlegende {f}
myth [fig.] [untrue, but widely believed]Märchen {n} [fig.] [Irrglaube]
origin myth [of a state etc.]Gründungsmythos {m}
to build a myth around sth./sb.etw./jdn. mythisieren
to build a myth around sth./sb.etw./jdn. mythologisieren
to dismantle the myth around sth./sb.etw./jdn. entmythisieren
to dismantle the myth around sth./sb.etw./jdn. entmythologisieren
philos. F The Myth of Sisyphus [Albert Camus]Der Mythos von Sisyphos
lit. myth. myth of Etana [also: Myth of Etana]Etana-Mythos {m}
lit. F Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold [C. S. Lewis]Du selbst bist die Antwort
relig. anthropogonic myth [myth of the creation of mankind]anthropogonischer Mythos {m}
psych. F The Myth of the Birth of the HeroDer Mythus von der Geburt des Helden [O. Rank]
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