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 | math. n-dimensional {adj} | n-dimensional |  |
 | math. n-dimensional torus | n-dimensionaler Torus {m} |  |
Partial Matches |
 | idiom I don't know the name. <N.N., NN> | nomen nescio <N. N.> |  |
 | math. set of natural numbers <ℕ, N> | Menge {f} der natürlichen Zahlen <ℕ, N> |  |
 | electr. useful signal + noise to noise <(S+N)/N> ratio | Verhältnis {n} von Nutzsignal plus Störgeräusch zum Störgeräusch <(S+N)/N> |  |
 | chem. amount of substance <n, N, mol> | Molmenge {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge] |  |
 | chem. amount of substance <n, N, mol> | Molzahl {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge] |  |
 | idiom not elsewhere identified {adj} <n.e.i.> | nicht näher bestimmt <n.n.b., NNB> |  |
 | math. finite-dimensional {adj} | endlich-dimensional |  |
 | math. infinite-dimensional {adj} | unendlich-dimensional |  |
 | not applicable {adj} <N/A, n/a, N.A., NA> | entfällt [in Formularen] |  |
 | electr. n-channel / N-channel transistor | n-Kanal- / N-Kanal-Transistor {m} |  |
 | chem. FoodInd. nitrogen <N> [E-941] | Nitrogenium {n} [seltener für: Stickstoff] <N> |  |
 | not applicable {adj} <N/A> | nicht zutreffend <n. z.> |  |
 | publ. new series <n.s.> | neue Folge {f} <n. F.> |  |
 | electr. n-type conduction [electron conduction] | n-Leitung {f} [Elektronenleitung] |  |
 | idiom N as in Nan [Am.] | N wie Nordpol |  |
 | math. equation with n unknowns | Gleichung {f} mit n Unbekannten |  |
 | math. to take the n-th root | die n-te Wurzel ziehen |  |
 | geogr. meteo. naut. north <N> | Nord <N> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel] |  |
 | datum line | Normalnull {n} <N. N., NN> [Vermessung] |  |
 | geogr. naut. sea level <SL> | Normalnull {n} <N. N., NN> |  |
 | idiom N for Nelly [Br.] | N wie Nordpol |  |
 | name hitherto unknown | nomen nominandum <N. N.> |  |
 | n-channel depletion type | n-Kanal-Verarmungstyp {m} |  |
 | chem. number of theoretical plates <N> | Trennstufenzahl {f} <N> |  |
 | chem. N-cyano-diamino barbituric acid | N-Cyanodiiminobarbitursäure {f} |  |
 | chem. FoodInd. nitrogen <N> [E-941] | Stickstoff {m} <N> |  |
 | electr. telecom. n-port [multiport] | n-Tor {n} [Mehrtor] |  |
 | math. n times continuously {adv} | n-mal stetig |  |
 | math. n times differentiable {adj} | n-mal differenzierbar |  |
 | math. cyclic n-gon | Sehnen-n-Eck {n} |  |
 | math. induction on n | Induktion {f} nach n |  |
 | chem. n-butyl acetate | Essigsäure-n-butylester {m} |  |
 | biochem. N-glycosidic bond | N-glycosidische Bindung {f} |  |
 | biochem. N-glycosidic bond | N-glykosidische Bindung {f} |  |
 | math. ordered n-tuple | geordnetes n-Tupel {n} |  |
 | comm. EU stat. not elsewhere classified {adj} <n.e.c.> [customs classification] | anderweitig nicht genannt <a. n. g.> [Zolltarifnummern] |  |
 | proverb Only the strong survive. | Nur die Harten komm'n in'n Garten. [ugs.] [hum.] [eher mündlich] |  |
 | biochem. N-acetylmuramic acid | N-Acetylmuraminsäure {f} |  |
 | chem. n-butyl acetate | n-Butylacetat {n} |  |
 | electr. n-type conductivity | n-Leitfähigkeit {f} |  |
 | electr. n-type doping | n-Dotierung {f} |  |
 | electr. n-type semiconductor | n-Halbleiter {m} |  |
 | to be announced <TBA> | (noch) zu nennender Name <NN, N. N.> [Nomen nescio, Nomen nominando] |  |
 | math. x raised to the power of n [exponentiation] | x zur n-ten Potenz [Potenz] |  |
 | acad. publ. no date given {adv} <N.D., n.d.> | ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.> |  |
 | math. (x to the) power (of n) | (n-te) Potenz {f} (von x) |  |
 | ling. print n [letter] | n {n} [Buchstabe] |  |
 | ling. print N [letter] | N {n} [Buchstabe] |  |
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