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English-German translation for: nah an der Kapazitätsgrenze
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Dictionary English German: nah an der Kapazitätsgrenze

Translation 1 - 50 of 22598  >>

near capacity {adv}nah an der Kapazitätsgrenze
Partial Matches
at capacity {adv}an der Kapazitätsgrenze
near capacity {adv}fast an der Kapazitätsgrenze
near capacity {adv}nahe an der Kapazitätsgrenze
The end of the world is nigh.Das Ende der Welt ist nah.
capacity limitKapazitätsgrenze {f}
limit of capacityKapazitätsgrenze {f}
to reach capacitydie Kapazitätsgrenze erreichen
at hand {adj} [postpos.] [nearby]nah
close {adj}nah
contiguous {adj}nah
near {adj}nah
nearby {adj} {adv}nah
neighboring {adj} [Am.]nah
neighbouring {adj} [Br.]nah
nigh {adj} [archaic, literary or dialect]nah
proximal {adj}nah
imminent {adj}nah [zeitlich]
within one's reachgreifbar nah
german {adj} [obs.] [germane]nah verwandt
germane {adj} [obs.] [of people, closely related]nah verwandt
fairly close {adv}ziemlich nah
within one's grasp [fig.]greifbar nah [fig.]
tearful {adj}den Tränen nah
near and far {adv}nah und fern
too close for comfort {adv} [idiom]unangenehm nah / nahe
within one's reach {adv}zum Greifen nah
local and district heating supplyNah- und Fernwärmeversorgung {f}
within one's grasp [fig.]zum Greifen nah [fig.]
med. penalizationFern-Nah-Alternationsprinzip {n} [Optometrie]
as closely as possible {adv}so nah wie möglich
law cy pres {adv}so nah wie möglich
from far and near {adv}von nah und fern
idiom from far and wide {adv}von nah und fern
to be close to tearsden Tränen nah sein
to be on the brink of tearsden Tränen nah sein
to be on the verge of tearfulnessden Tränen nah sein
to be on the verge of tearsden Tränen nah sein
film F A Walk in the Clouds [Alfonso Arau]Dem Himmel so nah
lit. F Stay Where You Are and Then Leave [John Boyne]So fern wie nah
lit. F Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close [Jonathan Safran Foer]Extrem laut und unglaublich nah
to be weepy [person]nah am Wasser gebaut haben [Redewendung]
film F Faraway, So Close!In weiter Ferne, so nah! [Wim Wenders]
lit. F Three Weeks with my Brother [Nicholas Sparks]Nah und fern - Die Reise unseres Lebens
approaching full capacityan der Auslastungsgrenze
peripheral {adj}an der Außenfläche
basally {adv}an der Basis
stocks at the stock exchange {adv}an der Börse
stocks on the stock exchange {adv}an der Börse
at the corner {adv}an der Ecke
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• nah an der Kapazitätsgrenze

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