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English-German translation for: naturally
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Dictionary English German: naturally

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
SYNO   by nature | naturally | course ... 
naturally {adv}
naturally {adv} [of course]
naturally {adv}
naturally {adv}
Gewiss. [veraltend]
naturally {adv}
naturally {adv}
naturally {adv}
logischerweise [selbstverständlich]
naturally {adv}naturhaft
naturally {adv}unbefangen
naturally {adv}auf natürliche Weise
naturally {adv}von Natur aus
naturally {adv} [occur, grow, etc.]in der Natur [vorkommen, wachsen etc.]
Naturally.Versteht sich.
2 Words: Others
Act naturally!Benimm dich unauffällig!
more naturally {adv}natürlicher
most naturally {adv}am natürlichsten
tech. naturally aspirated {adj}selbstansaugend
brew FoodInd. gastr. naturally cloudy {adj}naturtrüb
naturally gifted {adj}von Natur aus talentiert
naturally likeable {adj}von Natur aus sympathisch
naturally litmit natürlichem Licht
naturally occurring {adj}natürlich vorkommend
naturally porous {adj}naturporös
naturally produced {past-p} {adj} [ecologically produced foodstuffs, clothing etc.]naturgerecht hergestellt [ökologische Lebensmittel, Bekleidung usw.]
naturally rounded {adj} [round gravel]rundgekullert [selten] [Kiesel]
naturally unfolded {adj} {past-p}natürlich entfaltet
naturally-occurring {adj}natürlich vorkommend
2 Words: Verbs
to naturally unfold(sich) natürlich entfalten
idiom to talk naturally [unaffectedly]reden, wie einem der Schnabel gewachsen ist
3 Words: Others
naturally light (colored) {adj} [Am.]naturhell
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to come naturally to sb.jdm. leichtfallen [Tätigkeit]
idiom to come naturally to sb.jdm. leicht fallen [Tätigkeit] [alt]
idiom to come naturally to sb.jdm. natürlich zufallen [Begabung]
idiom to come naturally to sb.jdm. im Blut liegen
3 Words: Nouns
automot. aviat. tech. (naturally) aspirated engineSaugmotor {m}
chem. EU law naturally occurring substance [substance which occurs in nature; REACH regulation]Naturstoff {m} [REACH-Verordnung]
4 Words: Verbs
to come naturally with agemit dem Alter von selber kommen [ugs.]
5+ Words: Others
In a village like that naturally people talk a lot.In so einem Dorf wird natürlich viel geredet.
produced naturally in the body {adj}körpereigen
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Q 2023-05-17: Hilfe, bitte. I would like this to flow naturally.
A 2016-04-23: Or, more naturally.
A 2015-03-26: Of course/naturally, I took my little brother's side.
A 2014-07-05: Naturally, there is also +to be off ill+ ... No real consistency in usage....
A 2014-05-22: In this respect, the right had arisen naturally.
A 2013-04-04: Exactly. So, this is indeed a problem - how would you say it naturally?
Q 2012-07-05: What would a native English speaker naturally say for 'es langt/reicht nun...
Q 2012-06-26: Which answer would you naturally give? 1) or 2)? Thanks!
Q 2012-06-26: Which answer would you naturally give? 1) or 2)? Thanks!
A 2012-06-21: Naturally
A 2011-03-31: naturally live more handsomely
A 2011-03-31: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&source=hp&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22better+l...
Q 2010-12-15: "naturally" in this context
A 2010-07-14: naturally in the sense of "natürlich/klar" doesn't work
A 2010-06-04: very true, I naturally assumed patu meant retrace. retract one's steps mu...
A 2010-04-05: anonymous war ich, sorry. Agree with Wuffke as well, naturally.
A 2009-12-10: Could we agree that Joanne's version flows more naturally - seeing that th...
A 2009-11-11: Beguiling as +naturally+ may be, with respect I prefer Henry Watson Fowler...
A 2009-11-11: Yes. Naturally
A 2009-10-22: das heißt vermutlich was Anderes: incidental = naturally happening as a re...

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