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English-German translation for: navigation
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Dictionary English German: navigation

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NOUN1   a navigation | navigations
NOUN2   navigation | -
SYNO   navigation | sailing | seafaring ... 
NOUN   die Navigation | die Navigationen
comp. spec. navigation
Navigation {f}
naut. navigation2
Schifffahrt {f}
Steuerung {f}
Schiffahrt {f} [alt]
meteo. aerologationmeteorologische Navigation {f}
naut. navigationNautik {f} [Navigation]
2 Words: Others
MedTech. tech. navigation-based {adj}navigationsbasiert
comp. Skip navigation.Navigation überspringen.
2 Words: Nouns
aerial navigation [Br.] [rare]Luftfahrt {f}
aviat. aeronautical navigationFlugnavigation {f}
aviat. air navigationFlugnavigation {f}
aircraft navigationFlugzeugnavigation {f}
comp. breadcrumbs (navigation)Brotkrumennavigation {f}
comp. breadcrumbs navigationBrotkrümelnavigation {f}
astron. mil. naut. celestial navigationNavigation {f} nach den Gestirnen
naut. coastal navigationKüstennavigation {f}
naut. coastal navigationKüstenschifffahrt {f}
naut. downstream navigationTalfahrt {f} [Schiff]
naut. eyeball navigationAugapfelnavigation {f}
naut. freight navigationFrachtschifffahrt {f}
tech. hyperbolic navigationHyperbelnavigation {f}
tech. hyperbolic navigationHyperbelortung {f}
inland navigationBinnenschiffahrt {f} [alt]
naut. inland navigationBinnenschifffahrt {f}
MedTech. magnetic navigationmagnetische Navigation {f}
comp. main navigationHauptnavigation {f}
maritime navigationSeeschifffahrt {f}
comp. menu navigationMenüführung {f}
comm. hist. law Navigation ActsNavigationsakten {pl}
naut. navigation aidNavigationshilfe {f}
comp. navigation barNavigationsleiste {f}
naut. navigation bridgeKommandobrücke {f}
naut. navigation channelFahrrinne {f}
naut. navigation channelFahrwasser {n}
navigation computerNavigationsrechner {m}
traffic transp. navigation dataNavigationsdaten {pl}
comp. navigation designNavigationsdesign {n}
navigation deviceNavigationsgerät {n}
naut. navigation dictionarySeefahrtswörterbuch {n}
comp. navigation drawerNavigationsschublade {f}
aviat. naut. navigation expertNavigationsexperte {m}
naut. navigation hazardSchifffahrtshindernis {n}
tech. navigation interfaceNavigationsschnittstelle {f}
naut. navigation lightPositionslampe {f}
navigation lightPositionslicht {n}
naut. navigation lightsNavigationslaternen {pl}
naut. navigation lightsNavigationslichter {pl}
traffic navigation lineNavigationsleitlinie {f}
naut. navigation lockSchiffsschleuse {f}
navigation mapNavigationskarte {f}
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Q 2022-12-24: Navigation drawer
Q 2018-08-25: click-to-view navigation menus
A 2017-03-26: navigationl waterways regulations / regulated navigation areas (with limit...
A 2014-10-27: perch ( = a pole serving as a navigation mark)
A 2014-06-18: für die Navigation
A 2012-08-16: In navigation it's not used with gender.
A 2012-04-26: The author is trying to connect drifting on the seas with celestial navigation.
A 2011-05-31: course navigation
A 2011-05-26: it functions/operates as a navigation node ??
Q 2010-08-05: connected navigation
Q 2009-08-30: history navigation buttons
Q 2009-06-10: top navigation search
A 2009-02-20: main navigation carrier?
A 2008-11-15: Usage seems to prefer +navigation buttons+
A 2008-11-15: navigation points
A 2008-06-21: Es geht ums Auto, Nicky. +Navigation device+ ist viel allgemeiner, siehe unten
A 2008-06-20: Die Internet-Statistik ist eindeutig: navigation device
A 2008-06-20: navigation system
A 2008-04-15: Freight Forwarder and Inland navigation company??
A 2008-03-23: Danke - air navigation services

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