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English-German translation for: navy
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Dictionary English German: navy

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ADJ   navy | more navy | most navy
NOUN   a navy | navies
SYNO   Navy | US Navy | USN ... 
NOUN   die Navy | -
navy {adj} [colour]
mil. naut. navy
Marine {f}
mil. naut. navy
Kriegsflotte {f}
mil. naut. (the) navy [often capitalized]
Navy {f}
mil. naut. boot [Am.] [coll.] [a navy or marine recruit, esp. one in training]US-Navy- / US-Marine-Rekrut {m} [besonders in der Grundausbildung]
mil. yeoman [Am.]Schreibstubenunteroffizier {m} in der US Navy
2 Words: Others
navy blue {adj}dunkelblau
navy blue {adj}marineblau
mil. naut. Royal Navy {adj}der königlichen Marine
2 Words: Nouns
hist. naut. Brandenburg NavyKurbrandenburgische Marine {f}
mil. naut. Federal Navy [inofficial for: German Navy]Bundesmarine {f} [inoffiziell für: Deutsche Marine]
mil. naut. German NavyDeutsche Marine {f}
naut. merchant navy [Br.]Handelsmarine {f}
naut. merchant navy [merchant fleet of a country]Handelsflotte {f}
military navy [only in explicit contrast to merchant navy]Kriegsmarine {f}
military navy [only in explicit contrast to merchant navy]Seestreitmacht {f}
gastr. navy beansweiße Bohnen {pl}
watches navy chronometerMarinechronometer {n}
pol. Navy Department [Am.]Marineministerium {n}
navy dictionaryMarinewörterbuch {n}
jobs mil. naut. navy diverMarinetaucher {m}
aviat. mil. naut. navy helicopterMarinehubschrauber {m}
hist. naut. pol. Navy League [Germany]Deutscher Flottenverein {m}
mil. mus. navy marchMarinemarsch {m} [auch: Marine-Marsch]
mil. navy personnel {sg}Marinesoldaten {pl}
mil. Navy SEAL [also: Navy Seal]Navy Seal {m} [auch: Navy-Seal]
mil. navy spokesmanMarinesprecher {m}
cloth. mil. navy uniformMarineuniform {f}
mil. navy vesselKriegsschiff {n}
mil. naut. navy yardMarinewerft {f}
hist. mil. naut. People's Navy [GDR]Volksmarine {f} <VM> [DDR]
mil. naut. Royal Navy <RN>Königliche Marine {f}
mil. naut. U.S. Navy <USN>US-Marine {f}
3 Words: Nouns
mil. naut. blue-water navyHochseemarine {f}
hist. Imperial German NavyKaiserliche Marine {f}
hist. mil. Imperial Japanese Navy <IJN>Kaiserliche Japanische Marine {f}
hist. mil. pol. People's Navy Division [Germany 1918/19]Volksmarinedivision {f} [Deutschland 1918/19]
mil. naut. United States Navy <USN>Marine {f} der Vereinigten Staaten (von Amerika)
4 Words: Verbs
mil. naut. to serve in the navybei der Marine dienen
4 Words: Nouns
mil. Chief of Staff, Navy [Germany]Inspekteur {m} der Marine <InspM>
pol. Department of the Navy [Am.]Marineministerium {n}
mil. member of the navyMarineangehöriger {m}
hist. mil. Navy of the NVA [maritime forces of the National People's Army of the German Democratic Republic]Volksmarine {f} <VM>
mil. Republic of China Navy <ROCN> [Taiwan]Marine {f} der Republik China [Taiwan]
mil. naut. Royal New Zealand Navy <RNZN>Königliche Neuseeländische Marine {f}
mil. naut. pol. Secretary of the Navy [Am.] <SECNAV>Marineminister {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. naut. Command of the People's Navy [National People's Army of the former GDR]Kommando {n} Volksmarine <KdoVM> [NVA]
mil. Commander-in-Chief of the German NavyOberbefehlshaber {m} der Kriegsmarine
hist. mil. High Command of the NavyOberkommando {n} der Kriegsmarine <IJN>
hist. mil. naut. honor table clasp of the German Navy [WW II]Ehrentafel-Spange {f} der Deutschen Kriegsmarine [2. WK]
hist. mil. naut. honor table of the German Navy [WW II]Ehrentafel {f} der Deutschen Kriegsmarine [2. WK]
hist. Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service <IJNAS>Kaiserlich Japanische Marineluftstreitkräfte {pl}
hist. mil. Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet <JAN Phonetic Alphabet> [United States Armed Forces, 1941 - 1956]einheitliches Buchstabieralphabet {n} der US-Streitkräfte
members of the British NavyAngehörige {pl} der britischen Marine
hist. mil. Navy of the North German ConfederationMarine {f} des Norddeutschen Bundes [Norddeutsche Bundesmarine]
jobs mil. Under Secretary of the Navy [U.S. Navy]Unterstaatssekretär {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Blue at the Mizzen [Patrick O'Brian]Der Lohn der Navy
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A 2023-09-15: US Navy metaphor:
A 2021-12-13: In the U.S. Navy, the current equivalent would be the "Food Service Officer."
A 2015-05-10: Equally +sick bay+ in the Royal Navy
A 2015-01-02: Pronunciation in the Royal Navy: +lə'tɛnənt+ (dropping the f-sound)
A 2013-03-30: ... mindestens soviel Gear benötigt wie ein Navy Seal...
A 2010-08-23: navy (in fashion) = dunkelblau.
A 2010-07-08: I know that just junior rates has other uses, but I tried to get round tha...
A 2010-07-08: LINK > JackSpeak - Language and Slang of the Royal Navy > Royal Navy do Bo...
A 2010-07-08: Royal Navy rhapsodizing
Q 2010-07-08: Junior Rate (Royal Navy)
A 2010-04-25: Instead, the navy mothballed it
A 2010-02-26: Sterling advice, zou. Slang opens few doors for you and easily ostracizes ...
A 2009-12-07: It doesn't have an army nor a navy, so it ain't a language... ;)
A 2009-11-07: There is also +naval soldier / soldiers+ & +navy soldier / soldiers+
A 2009-04-02: Muß "Bundeswehr" übersetzt werden? Wir übersetzen Navy und R.A.F. ja auch ...
A 2009-01-25: I'm [a sailor serving] in the German Navy
A 2008-03-25: a member of WAVES or Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service (US Navy)
A 2007-06-08: Yes, Sir! (airforce, army, navy) > Jawoll, Herr Korporal / Leutnant!
Q 2006-11-19: Titel in der US Navy
Q 2006-07-18: navy vessel

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