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Dictionary English German: needle

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NOUN   a needle | needles
VERB  to needle | needled | needled ... 
SYNO   needle | phonograph needle | to goad ... 
to needle [to sew]
to needle sb. [coll.]
jdn. sticheln
to needle sb./sth. [coll.] [fig.] [hassle, annoy: people as well as institutions]
jdn./etw. piesacken [ugs.] [sticheln, reizen, provozieren]
Nadel {f}
textil. tools needle [sewing needle]
Nähnadel {f}
Anzeiger {m} [eines Messinstruments]
Zeiger {m}
sports needle [Br.] [coll.] [ill-feeling between competitors]
Prickeln {n} [ugs.] [Ärger zwischen Konkurrenten]
2 Words: Others
needle-free {adj}nadelfrei
needle-free {adj}nadellos
needle-like {adj}nadelförmig
needle-moving {adj} [fig.] [rare]ausschlaggebend
needle-pointed {adj}nadelspitz
needle-shaped {adj}nadelförmig
needle-sharp {adj}nadelspitz
single-needle {adj} [attr.]Einnadel-
2 Words: Nouns
med. (hypodermic) needleKanüle {f}
dent. med. (needle) recappingRecapping {n}
geol. (rock) needleFelsnadel {f}
med. acupuncture needleAkupunkturnadel {f}
MedTech. anaesthesia needle [Br.]Anästhesienadel {f}
MedTech. anesthesia needle [Am.]Anästhesienadel {f}
med. VetMed. atraumatic needleatraumatische Nadel {f}
med. biopsy needleBiopsienadel {f}
blind needleBlindnadel {f}
archaeo. hist. bone needleKnochennadel {f}
med. boomerang needleBumerangnadel {f}
archaeo. art bronze needleBronzenadel {f}
brooch needleBroschennadel {f}
med. MedTech. butterfly needleButterfly-Kanüle {f}
cable needleZopfnadel {f}
bot. cedar needleZedernnadel {f}
circular needleRundnadel {f}
geogr. tech. compass needleKompassnadel {f}
geogr. tech. compass needleMagnetnadel {f}
bot. conifer needleKoniferennadel {f}
crochet needleHäkelnadel {f}
crocheting needleHäkelnadel {f}
textil. tools darning needleStopfnadel {f}
geogr. dip needleInklinationsnadel {f}
MedTech. disposable needleEinwegkanüle {f}
disposable needleEinwegnadel {f} [Einwegkanüle]
med. dissecting needlePräpariernadel {f}
med. dosage needle [syringe]Dosiernadel {f} [Spritze]
textil. tools embroidery needleSticknadel {f}
tools engraving needleGraviernadel {f}
art tools etching needleGrabstichel {m}
art etching needleRadiernadel {f}
dent. extirpation needle [nerve broach]Exstirpationsnadel {f}
MedTech. pharm. filling needleAbfüllnadel {f}
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A 2022-09-01: sterile needle - to pierce with or as if with a lance
A 2017-10-11: heel [rear end of the needle tip grinding] Auge {n} [hinteres Ende des Kan...
Q 2016-08-30: mounted needle
A 2015-03-20: Sprühnadel > jet needle.
A 2014-02-18: "beacon needle" ist also "Kanüle"?
Q 2014-02-18: beacon needle exchange
Q 2013-08-27: Needle Aspiration/Core Biopsy
Q 2013-06-19: sheath needle, sheath meal, and ring down artifact
A 2013-03-14: @Nordic: Es steht doch aber wirklich "needle" da.
A 2012-10-12: The gauge is not the same as the needle size, but how many stitches per in...
Q 2012-05-21: Naalbinding needle binding ; Nadelbinden
A 2011-11-13: crave the needle
A 2011-08-18: +Syringe+ implies +needle+
Q 2010-06-03: "moving the needle" -> DE?
A 2010-05-29: to needle-punch
Q 2009-08-18: before the needle drops
A 2009-06-22: stick / stab a needle into the forearm
A 2008-09-14: @ aidual: ach so! @Dwight: I didn't mean to imply that a needle couldn't f...
A 2008-09-14: One/you can hear a needle fall, it's so quiet here
A 2008-08-23: Unglücklicher Ausdruck für +point of a needle+, Zusammenhang siehe unten; ...

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