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English-German translation for: negative
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Dictionary English German: negative

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ADJ   negative | more negative | most negative
NOUN   a negative | negatives
SYNO   damaging | negative | minus ... 
ADJ  negativ | negativer | am negativsten
negativer | negative | negatives
negativster | negativste | negativstes
NOUN1   das Negative/(ein) Negatives | -
NOUN2   das Negativ | die Negative
negative {adj} <neg.>
negativ <neg.>
negative {adj}
negative {adj}
negative {adj}
negative {adj}
mil. Negative. [no]
Negativ. [nein]
negative {adj}
negative {adj}
negative {adj}gegensinnig [negativ]
med. negative {adj} [e.g. results]ohne Befund [nachgestellt]
sb. attituded. [Am.] [sl.] [rare] [had an attitude]jd. hat seine negative Haltung zum Ausdruck gebracht.
to negative
ling. negative
Verneinung {f}
photo. negatives
Negative {pl}
aviat. tech. anhedralnegative V-Stellung {f}
electr. cathodenegative Elektrode {f}
phys. decelerationnegative Beschleunigung {f}
constr. downdragnegative Mantelreibung {f}
fallout {sg} [fig.] [(negative) effects or results](negative) Auswirkungen {pl}
fallout {sg} [fig.] [(negative) effects or results](negative) Konsequenzen {pl}
negative [sth. that is negative]Negativum {n} [geh.]
negativenessnegative Beschaffenheit {f}
negativitynegative Beschaffenheit {f}
negativitynegative Einstellung {f}
outsetnegative Einpresstiefe {f}
2 Words: Others
biochem. catalase-negative {adj}Katalase-negativ
biochem. gram-negative {adj}gramnegativ
med. HIV-negative {adj}HIV-negativ
more negative {adj}negativer
math. negative definite {adj}negativ definit
math. non-negative {adj}nicht negativ
biochem. oxidase-negative {adj}Oxidase-negativ
positive / negative {adj}definit
math. positive / negative {adj}positiv / negativ
med. results negativeohne Befund <o. B., oB>
med. Rh negative {adj}Rhesus-negativ
2 Words: Verbs
ling. to connote negativelyeine negative Konnotation haben [geh.]
2 Words: Nouns
adverse consequencesnegative Konsequenzen {pl}
adverse criticismnegative Kritik {f}
adverse effectnegative Auswirkung {f}
adverse publicitynegative Publicity {f}
adverse reactionnegative Reaktion {f}
adverse selectionnegative Auswahl {f}
adverse variancenegative Abweichung {f}
photo. color negative [Am.]Farbnegativ {n}
photo. colour negative [Br.]Farbnegativ {n}
ling. double negativedoppelte Verneinung {f}
film dupe-negativeInternegativ {n}
med. QM false negativesfalsche Negative {pl}
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A 2023-11-25: Agree with Zuchi1. Too many negative connotations with 'shed'.
A 2023-06-02: Or in a Harlem youth's beloved triple negative: "He don't give no shit abo...
A 2023-03-23: Tabulos isn't negative I don't think, it's just a little more limited.
A 2022-08-28: negative points
A 2021-12-14: Copy&paste error: microsCopically negative, ...
A 2021-10-14: > geotadams (US/AT), 14-10-2021, 16:51 — Out of 24 dictionaries, are there...
A 2021-06-04: Any loan puts your bank account into the negative, which also goes for +Gi...
Q 2020-09-20: English "stark" - positive, neutral, or negative connotation?
A 2019-04-25: +A shade of doubt+ appears to be quite legitimate. Could the negative expr...
Q 2019-03-13: Und wie heißt das negative Gegenstück zur L e i t k u h / Influencerin? ...
A 2018-11-14: Negative?
A 2018-09-07: negative meaning: "Another Fine Mess" (Laurel & Hardy)
A 2018-08-27: Hoer nicht auf negative Gedanken...
A 2018-02-04: I suppose "revelation" is used in a negative sense (sort of "came as a nas...
A 2017-09-26: The negative is usually brought further forward:
A 2017-07-28: Looks feasible. Perhaps +[often with negative] / (meist verneint)+ ought t...
A 2016-10-28: "wake" seems to have negative connotions (in the wake of a desaster, fami...
A 2016-08-12: +Don't take nobody's word for it+ (with the double negative) might well be...
A 2016-07-15: Negative connotation
A 2016-07-15: Nein, aber " a negative connotation " kann man immer zu jedem Wort "krei...

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