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English-German translation for: nesting
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Dictionary English German: nesting

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English German
VERB  to nest | nested | nested
nesting | nests
orn. nesting {adj} {pres-p}
nesting {adj} {pres-p}
Verschachtelung {f}
orn. nesting
Nisten {n}
Schachtelung {f}
2 Words: Others
orn. cavity-nesting {adj}höhlenbrütend
2 Words: Verbs
hunting to go nestingVogelnester plündern
2 Words: Nouns
address nestingAdressverschachtelung {f}
block nestingBlockschachtelung {f}
down-nesting[Wohnraumverkleinerung nach Auszug der Kinder]
zool. nesting activitiesNestbauaktivitäten {pl}
biol. ecol. nesting aidNisthilfe {f}
entom. orn. nesting behavior [Am.]Brutverhalten {n}
zool. nesting behavior [Am.]Nestbauverhalten {n}
orn. nesting behavior [Am.]Nistverhalten {n}
entom. orn. nesting behaviour [Br.]Brutverhalten {n}
zool. nesting behaviour [Br.]Nestbauverhalten {n}
orn. nesting behaviour [Br.]Nistverhalten {n}
nesting boxNistkasten {m}
nesting boxVogelhäuschen {n} [zum Brüten]
orn. nesting colonyNistkolonie {f}
toys nesting dollMatrioschka {f}
toys nesting dollMatrjoschka {f} [seltener] [Matroschka]
toys nesting dollMatrjoschkapuppe {f}
toys nesting dollMatroschka {f}
entom. orn. nesting habitsNistgewohnheiten {pl}
nesting holeNisthöhle {f}
orn. nesting instinctNestbauinstinkt {m}
nesting instinctNesttrieb {m}
orn. nesting instinctNistinstinkt {m}
nesting levelSchachtelungsebene {f}
nesting levelVerschachtelungsebene {f}
zool. nesting materialNestmaterial {n}
orn. zool. nesting materialNistmaterial {n}
orn. nesting placeNistplatz {m}
nesting placesNistplätze {pl}
orn. zool. nesting seasonNistzeit {f}
orn. nesting siteNistplatz {m}
orn. nesting siteNiststätte {f}
orn. nesting sitesNistplätze {pl}
orn. nesting spotNistplatz {m}
nesting tablesSatztische {pl}
comp. subroutine nestingUnterprogrammverschachtelung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
orn. bird nesting boxVogelnistkasten {m}
orn. bird nesting holeVogelnisthöhle {f}
orn. bird nesting placeVogelnistplatz {m}
ecol. orn. bird nesting placesVogelnistplätze {pl}
orn. cavity-nesting birdHöhlenbrüter {m}
orn. ground-nesting birdBodenbrüter {m}
orn. ground-nesting birdsbodenbrütende Vögel {pl}
biol. ecol. entom. insect nesting aidInsektennisthilfe {f}
biol. ecol. orn. robin nesting boxRotkehlchennistkasten {m}
orn. starling nesting boxStarenkasten {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
entom. T
mycol. T
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A 2013-01-20: stackability (many things, e.g. boxes). nesting (chairs)
A 2011-02-16: I see your point. And one of the meanings of "nest / nesting" is "to build...
A 2011-02-15: They nest in a tree / a nesting box = they make a nest in a tree / nesting box.

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