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English-German translation for: newspaper
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Dictionary English German: newspaper

Translation 1 - 50 of 222  >>

English German
NOUN   a newspaper | newspapers
SYNO   newspaper | newspaper publisher ... 
journ. newspaper
Zeitung {f}
journ. newspaper
Blatt {n} [Zeitung]
journ. newspaperGazette {f} [veraltet] [Zeitung]
newspaper [used for packaging, etc.]Zeitungspapier {n} [z. B. als Verpackungsmaterial]
2 Words: Nouns
journ. (newspaper) hoaxZeitungssage {f} [seltener für: Zeitungsente]
(newspaper) kioskZeitungskiosk {m}
journ. (newspaper) pressZeitungspresse {f}
(newspaper) wrapperKreuzband {n} [Streifband]
journ. afternoon newspaperAbendblatt {n}
journ. broadsheet (newspaper)Qualitätsblatt {n} [Zeitung]
journ. broadsheet (newspaper)angesehene Zeitung {f} [großformatig]
journ. broadsheet (newspaper)großformatige Zeitung {f}
journ. broadsheet (newspaper)seriöse Zeitung {f}
educ. journ. campus newspaperCampuszeitung {f}
comic newspaper [for a closed group]Bierzeitung {f}
journ. daily newspaperTagblatt {n} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
journ. daily newspaperTageblatt {n}
journ. publ. daily newspaperTageszeitung {f}
relig. diocesan newspaperBistumsblatt {n}
Internet journ. electronic newspaperBildschirmzeitung {f}
journ. evening newspaperAbendzeitung {f}
journ. favorite newspaper [Am.]Lieblingszeitung {f}
journ. favourite newspaper [Br.]Lieblingszeitung {f}
fin. journ. stocks financial newspaperBörsenblatt {n}
fin. journ. financial newspaperWirtschaftszeitung {f}
journ. publ. giveaway newspaperGratiszeitung {f}
journ. pol. government newspaperRegierungszeitung {f}
journ. gutter newspaper [pej.]Revolverblättchen {n} [ugs.]
journ. local newspaperLokalblatt {n} [ugs.]
journ. local newspaperLokalzeitung {f}
journ. local newspaperRegionalzeitung {f}
journ. muckraking newspaperSkandalblatt {n}
journ. publ. national (newspaper)überregionale Zeitung {f}
national newspaperüberregionale Zeitung {f}
journ. newspaper accountZeitungsbericht {m}
market. newspaper ad [coll.]Inserat {n}
publ. market. newspaper ad [coll.]Zeitungsannonce {f}
newspaper ad [coll.]Zeitungsanzeige {f}
newspaper ad [coll.]Zeitungsinserat {n}
journ. newspaper advert [Br.] [coll.]Zeitungsanzeige {f}
journ. newspaper advertisementZeitungsanzeige {f}
journ. newspaper advertisementZeitungsinserat {n}
publ. market. newspaper advertisingZeitungsannonce {f}
newspaper advertisingZeitungsreklame {f}
newspaper advertisingZeitungswerbung {f}
newspaper archiveZeitungsarchiv {n}
journ. newspaper articleZeitungsartikel {m}
journ. market. newspaper billboardHändlerschürze {f}
newspaper boxZeitungskasten {m}
journ. newspaper brandZeitungsmarke {f}
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A 2021-03-30: Poem in dialect - 1943 Liechtenstein newspaper
Q 2021-03-29: Poem in dialect - 1943 Liechtenstein newspaper
Q 2020-09-29: 'heroin-addicted-lying-on-newspaper-in-squat'
A 2019-12-01: +die+ Bild am Sonntag: a Sunday newspaper; +das+ Bild am Sonntag: image on...
Q 2017-09-16: Isn´t that a bit harsh? Beginning of an Aussie newspaper article
A 2015-07-16: Are you sure that it isn't a newspaper hoax?
Q 2014-09-24: Newspaper english
A 2013-07-09: There's a column in a German newspaper http://www.spiegel.de/thema/zwiebel...
A 2013-06-30: It is crap English in a crap newspaper.
Q 2013-05-24: newspaper article
A 2013-02-08: The wiki link shows that the phrase was/is used relating to journalism and...
A 2012-09-06: "newspaper stuffers" is an industry term
Q 2012-09-06: newspaper stuffer
A 2012-03-07: Open a random newspaper...
A 2012-02-08: Newspaper death in the USA
A 2012-01-06: a breath of fresh air in the newspaper / tabloid world
A 2012-01-06: A Breath of Fresh Air around the newspaper landscape
A 2012-01-06: newspaper landscape
A 2011-11-02: I +have+ not read a newspaper today - present perfect.
A 2011-10-22: So a holder for newspaper holders would be a newspaper-holder holder, woul...

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