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English-German translation for: night.
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Dictionary English German: night

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NOUN   a night | nights
SYNO   Night | Nox | dark | night ... 
Night! <n8>
night {adj}
night {adj} [attr.]
Nacht {f}
2 Words: Others
all night {adv}die ganze Nacht
all night {adv}die ganze Nacht hindurch
all-night {adj} [attr.]ganznächtig
at night {adv}nächtens [geh.]
at night {adv}nächtlicherweile [geh.] [nachts]
at night {adv}nachts
at night {adv}bei Nacht
at night {adv}des Nachts [geh.]
at night {adv}zur Nachtzeit
at night {adv}in der Nacht
at night {adv}während der Nacht
at night {adj} [postpos.]nächtlich
before night {adv}vor Einbruch der Nacht
by night {adv}nachts
by night {adv}nachtsüber
by night {adv}bei Nacht
by night {adv}des Nachts
by night {adv}zur Nacht
by night {adv}in der Nacht
every night {adv}allnächtlich
Good night! <Gn(8)>Gut's Nächtle! [schwäbisch]
Good night! <Gn(8)>Gute Nacht!
last night {adv}heute Nacht [letzte Nacht]
last night {adv} {noun}letzte Nacht {f}
last night {adv} {noun}vergangene Nacht {f}
last night {adv} [evening]gestern Abend
late-night {adj}spätabendlich
Night falls.Es wird Nacht.
med. night-blind {adj}nachtblind
bot. night-blooming {adj}nachtblühend
bot. night-blooming {adj}nachtblütig
bot. night-blooming {adj}zur Nacht blühend
night-shrouded {adj} [poet.]nachtumwoben [geh.]
night-time {adj} [attr.]Nacht-
night-time {adj} [attr.]nächtlich
idiom Nighty-night.Nacht. [kurz für: Gute Nacht]
one night {adv}eines Nachts
one night {adv} [one evening]eines Abends
over night {adv}über Nacht
over night {adv} [dated] [overnight]die Nacht hindurch
that night {adv} [in the past]in jener Nacht [geh.]
tomorrow night {adv}morgen Nacht
yesterday night {adv}gestern Abend
2 Words: Nouns
med. (night) stoolNachtstuhl {m}
April nightAprilnacht {f}
August nightAugustnacht {f}
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A 2024-10-09: Gibt's auch als: Good night, Vienna!
Q 2024-10-08: good +night+
Q 2024-07-28: Overnight changes. (Someone else's night)
A 2023-06-13: sufficient / a good night's sleep
Q 2020-09-23: Wie sagt man School night auf Deutsch?
A 2019-02-10: Good night, sleep tight ...
A 2019-01-09: They got intimate with each other that night, but they didn't tell anyone.
Q 2018-12-13: Where were you last night?
A 2018-10-27: @ Catesse: you probably refer to these new entries from last night:
A 2018-01-02: You are right, Windfall. +nicht gerade jetzt > not just now / not right no...
A 2017-11-11: In 2012, they were among the Kennedy Center honorees. Americans are genero...
Q 2017-08-16: Textverständnis aus https://www.ego4u.de/de/read-on/countries/usa/life/pro...
Q 2017-06-22: Heard these topical lines? +Barnaby bright, Barnaby bright, the longest da...
A 2017-06-12: Run the Night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQa6X9nyLgo
Q 2017-06-12: run the night
A 2017-05-06: PS: Usage seems to prefer +bloodthirsty+ these days \\\ Good night!
A 2017-05-05: word order (according to Max Night's translation)
A 2017-03-20: It was a dark and stormy night...
A 2016-08-14: @geo255 #851384 -- composed last night before seeing the subsequent exchan...
A 2016-07-27: night shift

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