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English-German translation for: nights
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Dictionary English German: nights

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NOUN   a night | nights
nights {adv} [esp. Am.] [at night]
Nächte {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
April nightsAprilnächte {pl}
August nightsAugustnächte {pl}
December nightsDezembernächte {pl}
February nightsFebruarnächte {pl}
January nightsJanuarnächte {pl}
July nightsJulinächte {pl}
June nightsJuninächte {pl}
March nightsMärznächte {pl}
May nightsMainächte {pl}
November nightsNovembernächte {pl}
October nightsOktobernächte {pl}
September nightsSeptembernächte {pl}
trap-nightsFallennächte {pl}
wedding nightsBrautnächte {pl}
3 Words: Others
on hot nights {adv}in heißen Nächten
two nights ago {adv} [in the evening]vorgestern Abend
3 Words: Verbs
to give sb. sleepless nightsjdm. schlaflose Nächte bereiten
3 Words: Nouns
travel (several) nights' stay {sg}(mehrere) Übernachtungen {pl}
nights in AprilAprilnächte {pl}
nights in AugustAugustnächte {pl}
nights in DecemberDezembernächte {pl}
nights in FebruaryFebruarnächte {pl}
nights in JanuaryJanuarnächte {pl}
nights in JulyJulinächte {pl}
nights in JuneJuninächte {pl}
nights in MarchMärznächte {pl}
nights in MayMainächte {pl}
nights in NovemberNovembernächte {pl}
nights in OctoberOktobernächte {pl}
nights in SeptemberSeptembernächte {pl}
nights of bombingBombennächte {pl}
4 Words: Others
for nights on end {adv}nächtelang
meteo. in chilly autumn nights {adv}in kalten Herbstnächten
meteo. in cold November nights {adv}in kalten Novembernächten
meteo. in frigid winter nights {adv}in eisigen Winternächten
4 Words: Nouns
geogr. City of White NightsStadt {f} der weißen Nächte [St. Petersburg]
5+ Words: Others
for days and nights on end {adv}tage- und nächtelang
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F 40 Days and 40 Nights [Michael Lehmann]40 Tage und 40 Nächte
film F A Thousand and One Nights [Alfred E. Green]1001 Nacht
lit. F Abarat - Days of Magic, Nights of War [Clive Barker]Abarat - Tage der Wunder, Nächte des Zorns
lit. F Arabian Nights1001 Nacht
lit. F Cocaine Nights [J. G. Ballard]Weißes Feuer
film F Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights [Guy Ferland]Dirty Dancing 2 – Heiße Nächte auf Kuba
lit. F Florentine NightsFlorentinische Nächte [Heinrich Heine]
lit. F Fugitive Nights [Joseph Wambaugh]Flucht in die Nacht
film lit. F Nights in Rodanthe [novel: Nicholas Sparks, director: George C. Wolfe]Das Lächeln der Sterne
lit. F One Thousand and One NightsTausendundeine Nacht
film F Savage Nights [Cyril Collard]Wilde Nächte
film F Six Days Seven Nights [Ivan Reitman]Sechs Tage, sieben Nächte
film F Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby [Adam McKay]Ricky BobbyKönig der Rennfahrer
lit. F The Arabian NightsTausendundeine Nacht
film F The Locusts [John Patrick Kelley]Kansas Nights
film F White Nights [Taylor Hackford]White NightsNacht der Entscheidung
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Q 2024-03-08: If I did one of those wine and paint nights ...
Q 2015-01-03: mom’s nights out and lots of “chit-chat” by email
A 2014-12-28: Nights, not years.
Q 2012-10-25: i saw your advert in last nights paper
A 2012-07-28: Been in mine. A few nights ago, deer ate every one of my tomatoes. They (t...
Q 2010-11-28: bucks and hen nights (before weddings)
A 2010-05-25: It means that there are other nights that are busier than Thursday nights,...
A 2009-05-19: You're right, I spent some wonderful nights in an Irish Pub with Mr Guines...
Q 2009-05-04: She wanted to get to know this man, of whom she has been dreaming all nigh...
A 2009-04-01: Thaaanks so much :))))) Been having sleepless nights over this as I just c...
A 2009-03-16: Seeming to emerge out of a tale from the 1001 Nights, the glittering capit...
A 2009-03-16: Like a picture from "Arabian Nights", the capital of Oman, glittering in t...
A 2009-03-15: Tale from THE 1001 Nights, you will witness/see the capital of Oman glitt...
A 2008-12-14: Well - she won't ever stop giving you sleepless nights
Q 2008-12-14: after five months of sleepless nights
A 2008-12-05: allan... haha I slept last night, also wären es dann doch two nights' sl...
A 2008-12-05: But if the New Year "will have begun", wouldn't that be three nights' sleep?
A 2008-12-04: Just two nights' sleep and it will be New Year's Eve / and the New Year wi...
A 2008-09-23: He was in charge of the culinary side of several theme nights and made sur...
Q 2008-06-11: A cleaning charge is to be paid by the guest for stays of 5 nights or less

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