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English-German translation for: no-smoking
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Dictionary English German: no smoking

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rail no-smoking / non-smoking compartment [train]Abteil {n} für Nichtraucher
no-smoking policyNichtraucherpolitik {f}
no-smoking ruleRauchverbot {n}
rail no / non-smoking compartmentNichtraucherabteil {n}
No smoking! [sign]Rauchen verboten! [Schild]
No smoking in these premises.Rauchverbot im gesamten Gebäude.
no smoking zone <NSZ>rauchfreie Zone {f} [Nichtraucherzone]
EU Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking. [safety phrase S16]Von Zündquellen fernhalten - Nicht rauchen. [Sicherheitssatz S16]
Partial Matches
numero symbol <№, Nº, No, No., no.>Numero-Zeichen {n} <No, No., №> [z. B. Zimmer №1, №2 usw. oder „xyz-Straße №16“]
med. no-needle, no-scalpel method [a vasectomy method]No-Needle-No-Scalpel-Methode {f}
pol. no-no [coll.]No-Go {n} [ugs.]
That's a no-no. [coll.]Das ist tabu.
med. no-needle, no-scalpel vasectomy <NNNSV>No-Needle-No-Scalpel-Vasektomie {f} <NNNSV>
idiom sth. is an absolute no-no [coll.]etw. geht gar nicht [ugs.]
smoking {adj}rauchend
smoking {adj}rußend
smokingRauchen {n}
FoodInd. smokingRäuchern {n}
smokingQualmerei {f} [ugs.]
cloth. tuxedo [Am.]Smoking {m}
non-smoking {adj}nichtrauchend
(smoking) pipeTabakspfeife {f}
(smoking) tobaccoRauchtabak {m}
chain smokingKettenrauchen {n}
cigarette smokingZigarettenrauchen {n}
gastr. cold smokingKalträuchern {n}
gastr. hot smokingHeißräuchern {n}
passive smokingPassivrauchen {n}
quitting smokingRauchenaufgeben {n}
med. quitting smokingRaucherentwöhnung {f}
secondhand smokingPassivrauchen {n}
smoking areaRaucherzone {f}
comm. smoking articleRauchartikel {m}
law smoking banRauchverbot {n}
smoking breakRaucherpause {f}
smoking breakRauchpause {f}
smoking cessationRaucherentwöhnung {f}
smoking cessationRauchstopp {m}
smoking habitsRauchgewohnheiten {pl}
smoking loungeRaucherlounge {f}
smoking loungeRauchsalon {m}
smoking materialsRauchmaterialien {pl}
smoking roomRaucherraum {m}
smoking roomRaucherzimmer {n}
smoking roomRauchkabinett {n}
smoking roomRauchzimmer {n}
smoking sectionRaucherbereich {m}
smoking zoneRaucherzone {f}
stopping smokingRauchstopp {m}
tobacco smokingTabakrauchen {n}
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A 2007-03-28: its a "No smoking" adhesive label (kleben > to glue/stick)

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