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English-German translation for: non
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Dictionary English German: non

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SYNO   non | not
SYNO   in... | nicht | non... | un...
non- {prefix} [before an adj./adv.]
nicht- [vor einem Adj./Adv.; oft als ein Wort ohne Bindestrich]
non- {prefix} [before a noun]
Nicht- [vor einem Substantiv; oft als ein Wort ohne Bindestrich]
non- [company name PLUS product name, e.g. "non-Microsoft software"][Firmenname] -fremde [PLUS Produktname, z. B. "Microsoft-fremde Software"]
non- [company name PLUS product name, e.g. "non-Microsoft software"]Fremd- [Produktname OHNE Firmenname, z. B. "Fremdsoftware"]
pol. to PNG sb.jdn. zur Persona non grata erklären
relig. none
Non {f} [Stundengebet]
anathemaNon-Thema {n} [ugs.]
biol. nondisjunctionNon-Disjunction / Nondisjunction {f}
nonessentialsNon-Essentials {pl} [auch: Nonessentials]
2 Words: Others
law non liquet [it is not clear]non liquet [es ist nicht klar]
math. non-abelian {adj}nicht-abelsch
non-abrasive {adj}nichtscheuernd
med. non-absorbable {adj}nicht absorbierbar
med. non-absorbable {adj}nicht resorbierbar
non-absorbent {adj}nichtabsorbierend
non-absorbent {adj}nichtsaugend
non-accelerated {adj}nicht beschleunigt
non-accepted {adj}verweigert
non-accepted {adj}nicht angenommen
non-accessible {adj}abgabenfrei
non-accessible {adj}unzugänglich
non-accessible {adj}nicht zugänglich
non-accessible {adj}nicht zu versteuern
non-accidental {adj}schuldhaft [Verletzung etc.]
non-accountable {adj}nicht strafmündig
non-actionable {adj}nicht einklagbar
law non-actionable {adj}nicht justiziabel
law non-actionable {adj}nicht klagbar
non-active {adj}inaktiv
non-addictive {adj}nicht süchtig machend
spec. non-additive {adj}nichtadditiv
non-addressable {adj}nicht adressierbar
non-adjacent {adj}nicht angrenzend
non-adjacent {adj}nicht benachbart
non-adjustable {adj}nicht anpassbar
electr. engin. non-adjustable {adj} [also: nonadjustable] [fixed in place]unverstellbar
non-admissible {adj}unzulässig
non-admissible {adj}nicht zulässig
pol. non-affiliated {adj}parteilos
non-affirmative {adj} [also: nonaffirmative]nicht-affirmativ [auch: nichtaffirmativ]
non-African {adj}außerafrikanisch
non-African {adj}nichtafrikanisch
non-ageing {adj}alterungsbeständig
non-ageing {adj}nicht alternd
non-aging {adj}alterungsbeständig
non-aging {adj}nicht alternd
non-agricultural {adj}außeragrarisch
non-agricultural {adj}nichtlandwirtschaftlich
non-Albanian {adj}nichtalbanisch
non-alcoholic {adj}alkoholfrei
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A 2024-01-31: Thank you, parker11! I cannot hear "later", it sounds like "to the ???" to...
Q 2024-01-05: non of my bussiness
A 2023-08-14: single status certificate, proof of not being married, certificate of non-...
A 2023-05-13: > 12:10 Eheu, si tacuissem ea re tempus non trivissem.
A 2023-02-14: @timfefe: Having worked for the Red Cross many years ago, I can assure you...
A 2023-01-10: "where" statt "to which" klingt für mich besser (non-native EN-speaker)
A 2022-09-19: could it mean "to dispose of non-conforming goods" ??
A 2022-05-29: Non-English origin
Q 2022-04-28: fehlt im Wörterbuch: non-dom (non-domiciled) - Steuerausländer
A 2022-01-25: Kamerad is non-political, it's military or in general just a really good f...
A 2022-01-18: non-independent and non-managerial activities
Q 2021-11-17: Non-dairy milk
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A 2021-02-22: oder non-fig.: die Tournee durchziehen ("the show must go on")
A 2021-01-23: idiomatic / non-idiomatic
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A 2020-10-02: PS: The +posh+ efforts are to be taken with a generous pinch of salt. +val...
A 2020-07-22: > 15:20 Consulting implies expertise and often involves the provision of e...
Q 2020-07-14: non-barrier contraception
A 2020-02-29: Intuitio est cognitio a priori qualiscumque veritatis [...] a logica ratio...

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