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English-German translation for: non-binding
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Dictionary English German: non binding

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ADJ   non-binding | - | -
SEE ALSO  nonbinding
non-binding {adj}freibleibend
non-binding {adj}unverbindlich
non-binding {adj}nicht bindend
law non-binding natureUnverbindlichkeit {f}
comm. non-binding offerfreibleibendes Angebot {n}
non-binding advisory resolutionkonsultativer, nicht bindender Beschluss {m}
econ. law non-binding memoranda of understandingnicht bindende Absichtserklärungen {pl}
non-qualified binding land-use planeinfacher Bebauungsplan {m}
Partial Matches
econ. Binding Corporate Rules <BCR>Binding Corporate Rules {pl} [verbindliche unternehmensinterne Vorschriften]
EU pharm. QM non-investigational medicinal product <NIMP, non-IMP>Nicht-Prüfpräparat {n}
EU pharm. QM non-investigational medicinal products <NIMPs, non-IMPs>Nicht-Prüfpräparate {pl}
law non-assignment clausePactum de non cedendo {n}
transp. non-combustible and non-conductive cushioning materialnicht brennbares und nicht leitendes Polstermaterial {n}
non-verbal communicationnon-verbale Kommunikation {f}
law non liquet [it is not clear]non liquet [es ist nicht klar]
med. non-scalpel vasectomy <NSV> [no-scalpel vasectomy]Non-Skalpell-Vasektomie {f} <NSV>
psych. non-directive {adj}non-direktiv
binding {adj} {pres-p}bindend
bindingAnbindung {f}
publ. bindingEinband {m}
bindingEinbinden {n}
cloth. textil. bindingEinfassung {f}
bindingFesselung {f}
binding {adj}maßgebend [verbindlich]
binding {adj}maßgeblich [verbindlich]
binding {adj} {pres-p} [obligatory]verpflichtend
chem. acid-binding {adj}säurebindend
biochem. actin-binding {adj}aktinbindend
antigen-binding {adj}antigenbindend
biol. med. bacteria-binding {adj}bakterienbindend
binding togetherzusammenbindend
biochem. calcium-binding {adj}calciumbindend
biochem. complement-binding {adj}komplementbindend
chem. cortisol-binding {adj}cortisolbindend
generally binding {adj}allgemeinverbindlich
law legally binding {adj}rechtskräftig
law legally binding {adj}rechtsverbindlich
liquid-binding {adj}flüssigkeitsbindend
chem. phospholipid-binding {adj}phospholipidbindend
spell binding {adj}fesselnd
chem. thyroxine-binding {adj}thyroxinbindend
water-binding {adj}wasserbindend
adhesive bindingKlebebindung {f}
biochem. antigen bindingAntigenbindung {f}
textil. bias bindingSchrägband {n}
biol. chem. binding activityBindungsaktivität {f}
chem. binding affinityBindungsaffinität {f}
binding agentBindemittel {n}
tech. binding agentBindungsmittel {n}
binding agentKlebstoff {m}
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