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English-German translation for: nordgalatische Hypothese
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: nordgalatische Hypothese

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

acad. bibl. North Galatian hypothesisnordgalatische Hypothese {f} [auch: Landschaftshypothese]
Partial Matches
conjectureHypothese {f}
math. hypothesisHypothese {f}
suppositionHypothese {f}
theoryHypothese {f}
hypothetically {adv}als Hypothese
biol. ecol. species pool hypothesisArtenpool-Hypothese {f}
biol. Articulata hypothesisArticulata-Hypothese {f}
biol. Ecdysozoa hypothesisEcdysozoa-Hypothese {f}
phys. Fowkes hypothesisFowkes-Hypothese {f}
biol. Gaia hypothesisGaia-Hypothese {f}
biol. Gaia theoryGaia-Hypothese {f}
biol. grandmother hypothesisGroßmutter-Hypothese {f}
intriguing hypothesis [hypothetical idea]interessante Hypothese {f}
archaeo. Kurgan hypothesisKurgan-Hypothese {f}
econ. Linder hypothesisLinder-Hypothese {f}
biol. Lyon hypothesisLyon-Hypothese {f}
neoteny hypothesisNeotenie-Hypothese {f}
Ortega hypothesisOrtega-Hypothese {f}
biol. planula hypothesis [also: Planula hypothesis]Planula-Hypothese {f}
biol. savanna hypothesisSavannen-Hypothese {f}
entom. semelparity hypothesisSemelparitie-Hypothese {f}
untenable hypothesisunhaltbare Hypothese {f}
geol. zool. vendobiont hypothesisVendobionten-Hypothese {f}
med. Warburg / Warburg's hypothesisWarburg-Hypothese {f}
biol. Aquatic Ape Hypothesis [Alister Hardy]Wasseraffen-Hypothese {f}
acad. biol. wobble hypothesisWobble-Hypothese {f}
admissible hypothesiszulässige Hypothese {f}
math. composite hypothesiszusammengesetzte Hypothese {f}
ling. sociol. Bernstein's hypothesisBernstein-Hypothese {f} [Defizithypothese]
stat. null hypothesis <H0, h0>Null-Hypothese {f} <H0>
math. Riemann hypothesisRiemann'sche Hypothese {f}
to hypothesise [Br.]eine Hypothese aufstellen
to hypothesizeeine Hypothese aufstellen
to corroborate a hypothesiseine Hypothese bestätigen
to disprove a hypothesiseine Hypothese widerlegen
psych. ambivalence-amplification hypothesisAmbivalenz-Amplifikations-Hypothese {f}
econ. three-sector hypothesisDrei-Sektoren-Hypothese {f}
psych. frustration-aggression hypothesisFrustrations-Aggressions-Hypothese {f}
psych. frustration–aggression–displacement theoryFrustrations-Aggressions-Hypothese {f}
validity of a hypothesisGültigkeit {f} einer Hypothese
ecol. habitat heterogeneity hypothesisHabitat-Heterogenität-Hypothese {f}
geol. seafloor spreading hypothesisHypothese {f} der Ozeanbodenspreizung
biol. lipid-raft hypothesisLipid-Raft-Hypothese {f}
market. match-up hypothesisMatch-up-Hypothese {f}
archaeo. relig. Qumran-Essene hypothesisQumran-Essener-Hypothese {f}
rare earth hypothesis [also: rare-earth hypothesis]Rare-Earth-Hypothese {f}
biol. Red Queen hypothesisRed-Queen-Hypothese {f}
biol. Red Queen's hypothesisRed-Queen-Hypothese {f}
biol. RNA world hypothesisRNA-Welt-Hypothese {f}
biol. Red Queen hypothesisRote-Königin-Hypothese {f}
ling. Sapir-Whorf hypothesisSapir-Whorf-Hypothese {f}
geol. Snowball-Earth hypothesisSchneeball-Erde-Hypothese {f}
rare earth hypothesis [also: rare-earth hypothesis]Seltene-Erde-Hypothese {f}
biol. Trivers-Willard hypothesisTrivers-Willard-Hypothese {f}
sociol. urban overload hypothesisUrban-Overload-Hypothese {f}
purely hypotheticalreine Hypothese [adjektivischer Gebrauch]
med. amyloid cascade hypothesis <ACH>Amyloid-Kaskaden-Hypothese {f} <AKH>
math. spec. stocks random walk hypothesis <RWH>Random-Walk-Hypothese {f} <RWH>
to construct a new hypothesiseine neue Hypothese aufstellen
biol. dent. functional matrix hypothesisHypothese {f} der funktionellen Matrix
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