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English-German translation for: north
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Dictionary English German: north

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NOUN   north | -
SYNO   compass north | magnetic north | north ... 
north {adj} [attr.]
north {adj}
north {adv}nach Norden
north <N>
Norden {m} <N>
geogr. meteo. naut. north <N>
Nord <N> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel]
northMitternacht {f} [veraltet] [Norden]
geogr. the North [Br.] [Northern England]Nordengland {n}
2 Words: Others
due north {adv}genau nördlich
due north {adv}genau nach Norden
farther north {adv}nördlicher
North African {adj}nordafrikanisch
North American {adj}nordamerikanisch
geogr. North Atlantic {adj}nordatlantisch
geogr. North Caucasian {adj}nordkaukasisch
geogr. north Chilean {adj}nordchilenisch
geogr. North Elbian {adj} [e. g. North Elbian Church]nordelbisch
North English {adj}nordenglisch
North European {adj}nordeuropäisch
North Frisian {adj}nordfriesisch
North German {adj}norddeutsch <nordd.>
geogr. north Indian {adj}nordindisch
geogr. North Italian {adj} [also: north Italian]norditalienisch
North Korean {adj}nordkoreanisch
North Macedonian {adj}nordmazedonisch
north of sth. {adv} [idiom] [more than a specified figure]oberhalb von etw.Dat. [mehr als ein bestimmter Betrag]
north of sth. {adv} [idiom] [more than the stated amount]über etw.Dat. [oberhalb der zuvor genannten Menge]
North Pacific {adj}nordpazifisch
geogr. north Polish {adj}nordpolnisch
geogr. North Scandinavian {adj}nordskandinavisch
north-eastern {adj}nordöstlich
north-eastwards {adv}nach Nordosten
north-facing {adj}nach Norden [nachgestellt] [nach Norden gerichtet]
north-facing {adj}nach Norden gerichtet
north-northeast {adj}nordnordöstlich
north-northeasterly {adj} {adv}nordnordöstlich
north-northwest {adj}nordnordwestlich
north-northwesterly {adj} {adv}nordnordwestlich
geogr. north-oriented {adj} [map]genordet [Karte]
north-western {adj}nordwestlich
north-westwards {adv}nach Nordwesten
2 Words: Verbs
to go northnach Norden gehen
to point Northnach Norden weisen
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Cape NorthKap Nord {n}
econ. pol. Global NorthGlobaler Norden {m}
aviat. naut. magnetic north <MN>missweisend Nord {n}
geogr. North AfricaNordafrika {n}
ethn. North AfricanNordafrikaner {m}
ethn. North African [female]Nordafrikanerin {f}
North AfricansNordafrikaner {pl}
geogr. North AmericaNordamerika {n}
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A 2023-02-19: Oxford Learner's gibt an: [only before noun] (North American English)
A 2019-10-27: Keine BE Beispiele, da North American. .... und auch nicht so "alt"
A 2019-10-10: Thks, Windfall. So "going north" is "raufgehen" and "going south" is "runt...
A 2019-04-30: Of course, up North it could sound something like /hʊl/
A 2019-01-20: Betrifft Ibreiden and “North American German”
Q 2019-01-20: Ibreiden and “North American German”
A 2018-07-12: The online Guardian has a lot of articles from North American(-based) jour...
A 2017-11-13: do NO and NE both mean NORTH EAST in German?
A 2017-11-13: do NO and NE both mean NORTH EAST in German?
Q 2017-11-13: do NO and NE both mean NORTH EAST in German?
A 2016-07-04: Is it not, properly speaking, an anniversary of the United States of +Nort...
A 2016-05-13: Meines Erachtens steht "North American" im OED für AE, nicht mehr, und nic...
A 2016-03-29: North American dialects: this may be of interest
A 2016-03-24: Old TM had spent too much time in the US of North America. So he put +für ...
A 2015-12-29: etwa: the irreverent deeper meaning of North-Germany
A 2015-11-26: ay-up! ~ Exclam. A greeting, hello. [Midlands/North use. Dialect] http://w...
A 2015-10-28: (14:39) The US of North America would do well to have a tiny passage of th...
A 2015-09-16: Correct English: Our football team is good. They went to the States last y...
Q 2015-06-17: Did you know that 130 years ago France gave the New York Statue of Liberty...
A 2015-06-06: Lord North: At that time, party allegiance was not yet as clear-cut as it ...

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