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English-German translation for: nose and groove
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Dictionary English German: nose and groove

Translation 1 - 50 of 9208  >>

tech. nose and groove [also: groove and nose]Nase und Nut [auch: Nut und Nase]
Partial Matches
tech. tongue and grooveKreuzversatz {m}
constr. tongue and grooveNut und Feder
constr. tongue and groove jointFeder- und Nutverbindung {f}
constr. slab with spigot and grooveDämmplatte {f} mit Nut und Feder
tools tongue and groove joint pliers {pl} [Am.] [one pair]Wasserpumpenzange {f} mit Rillen-Gleitgelenk
jobs med. ear, nose and throat consultantFacharzt {m} für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde
jobs med. ear, nose and throat specialistHals-Nasen-Ohren-Spezialist {m}
cosmet. nose and ear (hair) trimmerNasen- und Ohrentrimmer {m} [Haarschneider]
cosmet. nose and ear hair trimmerNasen- und Ohrenhaarschneider {m}
cosmet. nose and ear hair trimmerNasen- und Ohrenschneider {m} [Haarschneider]
constr. tech. tongue and groove joint <TG, T&G> [also: tongue-and-groove joint]Nut- und Federverbindung {f}
constr. tech. tongue and groove joint <TG, T&G> [also: tongue-and-groove joint]Nut-Feder-Verbindung {f}
med. ear, nose and throat medicine <ENT>Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde {f} <HNO-Heilkunde>
jobs med. ear, nose and throat specialist [female]Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Spezialistin {f}
jobs med. ear, nose and throat specialist <ENT>Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Facharzt {m} <HNO>
anat. nose and throat region [coll.] [nasopharyngeal space]Nasen-Rachen-Raum {m} <NRR>
Unverified to pick one's nose and eat it [vulg.][in der Nase bohren und den extrahierten Popel essen]
med. mouth-to-mouth and nose ventilationMund-zu-Mund-und-Nase-Beatmung {f}
nose-to-nose kissNasenkuss {m}
to grooveauskehlen [Längsnut]
to grooveeinstechen
to grooveriefeln
to grooveRillen machen
grooveFurche {f} [Rinne, Rille]
mus. grooveGroove {m}
tech. grooveKerbe {f}
grooveNut {f}
grooveNute {f}
grooveRiefe {f}
grooveRille {f}
grooveRillennute {f}
grooveRinne {f}
grooveSpur {f}
grooveZarge {f} [Nut]
to groove [interact]zusammengehen [passen]
to groove [sl.]einen losmachen [ugs.]
mus. to groove [sl.]grooven [ugs.]
to groove [sl.]Spaß haben
groove [sl.]Spaß {m}
zool. ambulacral grooveAmbulakralgrube {f}
engin. annular grooveRingnut {f}
zool. basal grooveBasalfurche {f}
zool. basal grooveBasalgrube {f}
tech. bayonet grooveBajonettbahn {f}
weapons blood grooveBlutrinne {f} [an Bajonett, Kampfmesser etc.]
pharm. tech. break grooveBruchrille {f}
tech. cam grooveNockennut {f}
equest. VetMed. chin grooveKinngrube {f}
tech. control grooveSteuernut {f}
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