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English-German translation for: notes
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Dictionary English German: notes

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NOUN   a note | notes
VERB  to note | noted | noted
noting | notes
sb. notes
jd. notiert
Notizen {pl}
mus. pol. notes
Noten {pl}
Anmerkungen {pl}
notes {pl}
Aufzeichnung {f}
Aufzeichnungen {pl}
Stichworte {pl}
fin. notesAnhang {m} zur Bilanz
notes [perfumery]Duftnoten {pl}
2 Words: Others
in notes {adv} [Br.] [short for: banknotes]in Banknoten
sb. notes downjd. verzeichnet
2 Words: Verbs
to compare notes [idiom]Erfahrungen austauschen
to compare notes [idiom]Meinungen austauschen
to counterfeit notesBanknoten fälschen
to make notesNotizen machen
to take notesmitschreiben [sich Notizen machen]
to take notes [e.g. in a lecture]etw.Akk. nachschreiben [einer Vorlage, nach Gehör in Stichworten aufschreiben]
2 Words: Nouns
(written) notesMitschriften {pl}
advisory notesAnwendungsvorschläge {pl}
bank notesGeldscheine {pl}
mus. black notesschwarze Noten {pl}
acc. consolidated notes {pl}Konzernanhang {m} [zum Jahresabschluss]
copious notesreichliche Notizen {pl}
copious notesumfangreiche Anmerkungen {pl}
credit notesGutscheine {pl}
mus. cue notesStichnoten {pl}
delivery notesLieferpapiere {pl}
diary notesTagebuchaufzeichnungen {pl}
curr. euro notes [Br.]Eurobanknoten {pl}
curr. euro notes [Br.]Euroscheine {pl}
explanatory notes {pl}Begleittext {m}
foreign notesausländische Banknoten {pl}
guidance notesLeitfäden {pl}
guidance notesOrientierungshilfen {pl}
educ. lecture notes {pl}Skript {n} [Nachschrift einer Hochschulvorlesung]
acad. educ. lecture notes {pl}Vorlesungsmitschrift {f}
educ. lecture notes {pl}Vorlesungsskript {n}
mus. liner notesLiner Notes {pl} [im Begleitheft der CD oder auf der Hülle der LP abgedruckte Informationen zum Inhalt und zu den Mitwirkenden einer CD oder LP]
mus. liner notes {pl}Covertext {m}
marginal notesRandbemerkungen {pl}
meeting notes {pl} [written shortly after the meeting]Gesprächsnotiz {f}
fin. notes payableSchuldwechsel {pl}
fin. notes receivableSchuldscheinforderungen {pl}
promissory notesSolawechsel {pl}
release notesVersionshinweise {pl}
econ. EU QM safety notesSicherheitshinweise {pl}
tech. safety notessicherheitstechnische Hinweise {pl}
seller's notesKaufpreisstundungen {pl}
show notesSendungsnotizen {pl}
comp. show notesShownotes {pl}
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Q 2023-06-19: German "frei sprechen" = speak without notes or speak freely or ...?
A 2022-09-09: Some more notes to International Anatomical Nomenclature
A 2022-09-08: Some more notes to zoological, botanical nomenclature
A 2021-11-18: +-ize+ Notes on usage: https://www.lexico.com/definition/-ize +ize+ has a...
A 2020-06-13: The notes aren't written down, it's usually something like a group feedbac...
Q 2020-06-12: scene notes
Q 2019-03-07: notes per second = Noten pro Sekunde oder Beats pro Sekunde?
Q 2017-10-29: liner notes or linernotes?
A 2017-10-17: tuba notes from the depths of the Rhine
A 2016-11-22: Notes on professional practice and ethics
Q 2016-11-11: Aus der Novelle "Notes from the Midnight Driver" / Jordan Sonnenblick
A 2015-07-20: marginal notes .....
A 2015-05-02: Sorry, I forgot to look into the explanatory notes at the end of the book.
A 2015-01-28: Comprise: notes on usage
A 2015-01-21: Succession of 64th notes played insanely fast.
A 2014-12-29: Some notes
A 2014-12-26: waren selbst - and some notes
A 2014-11-08: PS: the New Advent edition comprises both the Old and the New Testament re...
A 2014-10-31: Some notes on +prefer over+
Q 2014-08-10: Bitte um Prüfung (Rechnungswesen) - "conversion features" und "senior notes"

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