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Dictionary English German: nuclear

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ADJ   nuclear | - | -
SYNO   atomic | nuclear
nuclear {adj}
biol. nucl. phys. nuclear {adj} [e.g. energy, fission, membrane]
Kern- [z. B. -energie, -spaltung, -membran]
nuclear {adj}
nuclear {adj}
nucl. nuclear {adj}
nuclear {adj}
biol. nuclear {adj}Zellkern-
2 Words: Others
non-nuclear {adj}nicht-nuklear
med. MedTech. nuclear medical {adj}nuklearmedizinisch
nuclear strategic {adj}nuklearstrategisch
mil. nuclear-armed {adj}atomar bewaffnet
mil. nucl. weapons nuclear-capable {adj} [e.g. missiles, weapon systems, fighter aircraft]nuklearfähig [z. B. Raketen, Waffensysteme, Kampfflugzeuge]
nuclear-free {adj}atomfrei
mil. pol. nuclear-free {adj}atomwaffenfrei
mil. weapons nuclear-free {adj}kernwaffenfrei
phys. nuclear-physical {adj}kernphysikalisch
tech. nuclear-powered {adj}atomangetrieben
nuclear-powered {adj}atombetrieben
nuclear-powered {adj}atomgetrieben
post-nuclear {adj}postnuklear
2 Words: Verbs
mil. to go nuclear [develop nuclear weapons]Atomwaffen entwickeln
to go nuclear [use nuclear energy]zur Atomenergie übergehen
2 Words: Nouns
phys. (nuclear) fissionAtomkernspaltung {f}
med. (nuclear) pyknosisKernpyknose {f}
phys. nuclear absorptionKernabsorption {f}
ecol. nucl. nuclear accidentAtomunfall {m}
ecol. nucl. nuclear accidentKernunfall {m} [selten für: nuklearer Unfall]
ecol. nucl. nuclear accidentNuklearunfall {m}
ecol. nucl. nuclear accidentatomarer Unfall {m}
ecol. nucl. nuclear accidentnuklearer Unfall {m}
nuclear ageAtomzeitalter {n}
mil. nuclear airburstLuftkerndetonation {f}
mil. nuclear airburstLuftkernwaffendetonation {f}
mil. nuclear ambitionsNuklearambitionen {pl}
weapons nuclear ammunitionAtommunition {f}
nuclear annihilationnukleare Vernichtung {f}
biol. med. nuclear anomalyKernanomalie {f}
pol. nuclear apocalypsenuklearer Holocaust {m}
acad. nucl. tech. nuclear applicationsKerntechnik {f}
nucl. nuclear applicationskerntechnische Anwendungen {pl}
mil. nuclear armamentatomare Aufrüstung {f}
mil. weapons nuclear arsenalKernwaffenarsenal {n}
mil. nuclear attackAtomangriff {m}
mil. pol. nuclear banAtomstopp {m}
pol. nuclear blackmailnukleare Erpressung {f}
mil. nucl. weapons nuclear bombAtombombe {f}
mil. nucl. weapons nuclear bombNuklearbombe {f}
ind. nucl. nuclear boss [coll.] [esp. journalese]Atomboss {m} [ugs.] [bes. Pressejargon]
nuclear bunkerAtombunker {m}
nuclear bunkerAtomschutzbunker {m}
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Q 2017-05-03: nuclear option
Q 2015-06-13: Worldwide nuclear weapons status.
A 2014-05-31: Where did you get "nuclear-wise" from?
Q 2014-05-30: Übersetzung nuclear-wise , nuclear-might und Unterschied
Q 2014-04-25: nuclear forces (phys.)
A 2014-01-01: Anti-nuclear
Q 2012-08-11: cleanup of a nuclear power plant
Q 2012-01-04: Iran nuclear crisis
A 2011-08-01: Nuclear power stations in Germany are safer than ...
Q 2011-05-26: Prüfgeräte für Kernkraftwerke - nv = nuclear volume = Kernvolumen?
Q 2011-04-28: under gas and nuclear cases
A 2011-04-04: Supporters of nuclear power should do likewise
A 2011-03-29: Renewables, fuel cells and, hopefully soon, nuclear fusion
A 2011-03-26: Nuclear Power Plant Ruins
A 2010-12-30: With START however there is no getting closer to goal of a world free of n...
Q 2010-12-23: civil nuclear companies
A 2010-11-02: Bacca's right. It's "electron volt (eV)", a unit of energy in nuclear* physics.
A 2010-09-30: it's an extention of operating times of nuclear power PLANTS
Q 2010-09-30: Nuclear powerstation
Q 2010-01-13: nuclear proliferation???

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