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English-German translation for: nursery
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Dictionary English German: nursery

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NOUN   a nursery | nurseries
SYNO   glasshouse | greenhouse | nursery ... 
nursery [day nursery]
Kindertagesstätte {f} <Kita>
RealEst. nursery [room for small children]
Kinderzimmer {n}
hort. nursery
Gärtnerei {f}
nursery [day nursery]
Kinderkrippe {f}
nursery [room for small children]
Kinderstube {f} [veraltet oder regional] [Kinderzimmer]
hort. nursery [tree nursery]
Baumschule {f}
hort. nursery [for plants]
Pflanzenschule {f}
med. nursery [in maternity ward]
Säuglingssaal {m}
ecol. zool. nursery [place or natural habitat which breeds or supports animals]
Kinderstube {f} [Aufwuchsort von Arten im juvenilen Stadium]
educ. hort. nursery [also fig.]
Pflanzstätte {f} [geh.] [auch fig.]
oenol. nursery [for vinegrapes]Weinschule {f}
med. nursery [in maternity ward]Säuglingszimmer {n}
2 Words: Nouns
hort. (plant) nursery [also fig.]Pflanzschule {f} [auch fig.]
baby nurserySäuglingsheim {n}
comm. hort. cactus nurseryKakteengärtnerei {f}
day nurseryGanztagskindergarten {m} [österr.]
day nurseryKinderhort {m}
day nurseryKinderkrippe {f}
day nurseryKindertagesstätte {f} <Kita>
day nurseryTageskrippe {f}
for. forest nurseryForstbaumschule {f}
med. newborn nursery <NBN>Neugeborenenstation {f}
nursery childSpielkind {n}
hort. nursery gardenBaumschule {f}
geogr. Nursery GlacierNursery-Gletscher {m}
furn. nursery glider [Am.]Stillsessel {m}
ling. nursery languageBabysprache {f}
nursery maid [dated]Kindermädchen {n}
educ. jobs nursery nurse [female] [Br.]Erzieherin {f} [im Kindergarten]
jobs nursery nurse [female] [Br.]Kinderpflegerin {f}
hort. nursery potAnzuchttopf {m}
nursery rhymeKinderlied {n}
nursery rhymeKinderreim {m}
nursery rhymeKindervers {m}
zool. nursery roostWochenstube {f} [bei Fledermäusen]
educ. nursery schoolKindergarten {m}
nursery schoolKindertagesstätte {f} <Kita>
educ. nursery schoolVorschule {f}
sports nursery slope [skiing]Anfängerhügel {m}
sports nursery slope [skiing]Idiotenhügel {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
lit. nursery storyKindergeschichte {f}
for. hort. nursery treesBaumschulpflanzen {pl}
hort. nursery twineBaumschulenschnur {f}
agr. nursery twineBaumschulen-Schnur {f}
ling. nursery wordLallwort {n}
jobs nursery worker [female]Kindergärtnerin {f} [ugs.] [Helferin, ohne Ausbildung]
jobs nursery worker [female] [Br.]Kindergartenhelferin {f}
comm. hort. orchid nurseryOrchideengärtnerei {f}
comm. hort. perennial nurseryStaudengärtnerei {f}
for. small nursery [fenced off]Kamp {m}
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A 2016-01-29: We make opera to fit in a nursery
A 2015-06-15: 18:20 Delightful nursery rhyme
A 2015-01-20: nursery - nicht nur für Pflanzen im Sinne von ..... übertragenen Sinn ....
Q 2014-07-15: At the same time our language learners range from nursery children to adul...
A 2013-11-20: nursery rhyme
A 2013-09-19: Nursery rhyme
A 2013-05-30: What you buy at the nursery as "Marigold" here
A 2013-04-21: College for nursery education
Q 2012-12-06: nursery fender
Q 2012-10-17: Nursery rhyme: Little Miss Muffet
Q 2011-10-05: Kindergarten, Nursery school
Q 2011-07-06: kindergarten or nursery school?
A 2011-05-06: Nursery rhyme - different meaning
A 2011-02-05: nursery school paedagogical institute
A 2009-09-07: sorry: plant nurseRy
A 2009-08-14: Mind you, it's also a form of childish banter. After public school and uni...
Q 2009-03-31: Plant nursery = Gärtnerei oder Baumschule?
A 2009-02-16: There's a wonderful nursery rhyme medley by Peter, Paul and Mary
A 2009-02-05: And in English: +In the school year 2007/2008, I worked+ as +an+ English t...
Q 2009-02-05: English teacher in a nursery school

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