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English-German translation for: oath
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Dictionary English German: oath

Translation 1 - 50 of 161  >>

English German
NOUN   an oath | oaths
SYNO   oath | swearing | curse | curse word ... 
Eid {m}
Schwur {m} [Eid]
oath [curse, imprecation]
Fluch {m}
Eidschwur {m}
2 Words: Others
Bloody oath! [Aus.] [coll.]Darauf kannst du Gift nehmen! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
law on oath {adj} {adv}eidesstattlich
law on oath {adj} {adv}eidlich
on oath {adj} {adv} [postpos.]unter Eid [nachgestellt]
under oath {adv}unter Eid
upon oathunter Eid
2 Words: Verbs
to take oathden Eid leisten
to take sb.'s oathjdm. den Eid abnehmen
2 Words: Nouns
assertory oatheidliche Versicherung {f}
sports Athlete's OathOlympischer Eid {m}
sports athletes' oathEid {m} der Athleten
Bible oathEid {m} auf die Bibel
blood oathBlutschwur {m}
hist. citizen's oathBürgereid {m}
hist. civic oathBürgereid {m}
sports coaches' oathEid {m} der Trainer
coronation oathKrönungseid {m}
med. doctor's oathÄrztegelöbnis {n}
law false oathFalscheid {m}
law false oathMeineid {m}
law gospel oathEid {m} auf die Bibel
med. Hippocratic oathhippokratischer Eid {m}
med. Hippocratic oathEid {m} des Hippokrates
law judicial oathvom Richter abgenommener Eid {m}
lover's oathLiebesschwur {m}
loyalty oathTreueeid {m}
loyalty oathTreueid {m}
minced oath[durch Verballhornung abgeschwächter Fluch. Vgl. dt. 'Oh Scheibe!']
ling. minced oath [German term literally "euphemistic expletive"]verhüllendes Schimpfwort {n} [z. B. Scheibenkleister]
hist. relig. oath godsEidesgötter {pl}
med. oath hand [due to median nerve palsy]Schwurhand {f} [bei Medianuslähmung]
Oath Monday [Ulm holiday, Germany]Schwörmontag {m} [traditioneller Ulmer Feiertag]
oath takingEidesleistung {f}
official oathAmtseid {m}
official oathDiensteid {m}
sports officials' oathKampfrichtereid {m}
sports Olympic oatholympischer Eid {m}
fin. law pauper's oath [Am.]Offenbarungseid {m}
law promissory oathpromissorischer Eid {m} [veraltet]
hist. Rütli OathRütlischwur {m}
mil. soldier's oathFahneneid {m}
mil. soldier's oathSoldateneid {m}
solemn oathfeierlicher Eid {m}
solemn oathheiliger Eid {m}
3 Words: Others
confirmed by oath {adj} {past-p}beschworen
made under oath {adj} [postpos.]eidlich
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A 2024-10-15: +oath hand+ not to be found in medical sources; +benediction hand+ seems t...
A 2018-10-19: The affidavit was taken on oath
A 2016-02-20: +bloody+ is a single swear word; in this case, +blinking+ used as a minced...
Q 2014-12-19: whom he had sworn by the oath
A 2014-03-06: Oath
A 2013-04-30: assertory oath
Q 2013-04-30: assertory oath
A 2012-10-14: einen Schwur leisten / einen Eid ablegen : take an oath
A 2012-08-19: Formal court oath
Q 2012-02-04: I say on oath/affirm
Q 2011-04-02: SKR/ Affidavit support of oath / POP - kennt das jemand?
A 2009-06-26: an oath of eternal allegiance /loyalty till death
Q 2009-06-26: Another oath!
Q 2009-06-01: A Harvard business oath on the model of Hippocrates?
A 2009-05-05: Fehdebrief > letter of defiance, Urfehdebrief > oath of peace (bitte in di...
A 2008-01-05: oath or affirmation > Eid oder eidesstattliche Erklärung / Versicherung; c...
A 2008-01-05: oath/Eid des Zeugen bei Gericht
A 2007-03-15: Mr. Buddler refers to the oath he was required to take as an interpreter
A 2007-02-07: I hereby declare in lieu of an oath
Q 2006-11-21: The Oath of Allegiance of US citizenship

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