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English-German translation for: obliged
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Dictionary English German: obliged

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
ADJ   obliged | more obliged | most obliged
VERB  to oblige | obliged | obliged ... 
SYNO   duty-bound | obliged
obliged {adj} {past-p}
obliged {adj}
obliged {adj} [pred.]
sb./sth. obliged
jd./etw. verpflichtete
sb./sth. obliged
jd./etw. nötigte
obliged {adj} {past-p} [forced]
obliged {adj} {past-p}
obligiert [veraltet]
obliged {adj}zu Dank verpflichtet
2 Words
morally obliged {adj}moralisch verpflichtet
much obliged {adj}sehr dankbar
much obliged {adj}zu Dank verpflichtet
Much obliged.Herzlichen Dank.
to be obligedmüssen
to feel obligedsich bemüßigt fühlen [geh.]
to feel obligedsich verpflichtet fühlen
to feel obligedsich zu Dank verpflichtet fühlen
obliged partiesVerpflichtete {pl}
3 Words
Much obliged, gentlemen.Verbindlichsten Dank, meine Herren.
obliged to register {adj} [postpos.]meldepflichtig
obliged to report {adj} [postpos.]berichtspflichtig
to be statutorily obligedgesetzlich verpflichtet sein
4 Words
I'd be much obliged.Ich wäre Ihnen sehr verbunden.
obliged to pay wages {adj} [postpos.]lohnzahlungspflichtig
to be obliged to do sth.etw. tun müssen
to be obliged to do sth.gehalten sein, etw. zu tun
to feel obliged to do sth.sich verpflichtet fühlen, etw. zu tun
5+ Words
I would be most obliged if ...Ich wäre Ihnen sehr verbunden, wenn ...
We are much obliged to you for this.Wir sind Ihnen dafür sehr dankbar.
We would be obliged if ...Wir wären Ihnen dankbar, wenn ...
to be obliged to identify customersverpflichtet sein, Kunden zu identifizieren
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A 2019-02-11: +angehalten+ in a legal context would be +enjoined / required / obliged+
A 2018-02-12: I feel obliged to thank you very much .
A 2017-05-08: The bidder shall be obliged to include unclear points that are not resolve...
Q 2017-02-03: Alternatives for "obliged"
A 2013-12-21: Much obliged for your assistance
A 2010-06-16: Much obliged - ought to have consulted my Latin grammar
A 2010-06-15: automatically; recipient; obliged to effect/make payment(s)
A 2010-06-15: obliged
A 2010-04-30: to be obliged to pay with money you do not have
Q 2010-01-21: Technik - Schrauben: Toleranzfeldlage vor Aufbringung der Überzugs ? toler...
A 2009-06-05: As to defects, in principle the Insolvency Administrator is not obliged to...
A 2009-05-19: Much obliged romy :)
A 2009-01-18: are obliged to exempt
A 2008-12-18: much obliged!
A 2008-10-18: The lessor leases the premises / the flat to a party obliged to render him...
A 2008-10-08: thank you so much - I somehow knew I could count on your help, much oblige...
A 2008-09-25: The principal is obliged to cooperate in drawing up the specification sheet
A 2008-08-18: felt obliged to / felt an obligation to
A 2008-04-15: XXX undertakes/is obliged to return all objects on loan
A 2008-03-31: Unless you feel obliged...

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• obliged
obliged parties
obliged to pay wages
obliged to register
obliged to report
oblige oneself (to do sth.)
oblige sb.
oblige sb. to do sth.

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