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English-German translation for: observe
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Dictionary English German: observe

Translation 1 - 59 of 59

English German
VERB  to observe | observed | observed ... 
SYNO   to keep | to observe | to maintain ... 
to observe sb./sth. [watch]
jdn./etw. beobachten
to observe sth. [comply with sth., fulfil sth.]
etw.Akk. einhalten
to observe sth. [comply with, follow]
etw.Akk. beachten [einhalten, befolgen]
to observe
to observe sth. [adhere to sth., abide by sth.]
etw.Akk. befolgen
to observe sth. [notice]
etw.Akk. wahrnehmen [bemerken, beobachten]
to observe sb./sth. [watch]
jdn./etw. betrachten
to observe sth. [notice, watch]
etw.Akk. feststellen [wahrnehmen, beobachten]
to observe sb./sth. [watch carefully]
jdn./etw. überwachen [genau beobachten]
to observe
berücksichtigen [beachten]
to observe sb./sth. [watch carefully]
jdn./etw. observieren [überwachen, beobachten]
to observe [remark]
anmerken [bemerken, sagen]
to observe sth. [the proprieties, the rules of convention, etc.]
etw.Akk. wahren [den Anstand, die Form etc.]
MedTech. to observe [e.g. an examination on the monitor]
mitbeobachten [z. B. einen Befund bei der Untersuchung]
to observe sth. [celebrate]
etw.Akk. begehen [geh.] [feiern]
to observe sth. [adhere to sth., abide by sth.]sichAkk. nach etw.Dat. richten [etw. befolgen]
2 Words: Others
Observe caution!Sei vorsichtig!
2 Words: Verbs
to (secretly) observe sth.etw.Akk. bespähen [selten] [geh.] [beobachten]
to observe limitsGrenzen beachten
to observe limitsGrenzen einhalten
to observe protocoldas Protokoll einhalten
to observe rulesVorschriften befolgen
to observe sb.'s birthdayjds. Geburtstag begehen
to observe silencestill bleiben
to observe silenceStillschweigen bewahren
to observe strictlystreng beachten
3 Words: Verbs
to observe a contractsich an einen Vertrag halten
to observe a dieteine Diät einhalten
to observe a differenceeinen Unterschied bemerken
to observe a holidayeinen Feiertag einhalten
to observe a methodnach einem Verfahren vorgehen
med. to observe a patienteinen Patienten beobachten
to observe a principleeinem Prinzip folgen
to observe a ruleeine Regel einhalten
to observe the commandeinem Kommando unterstehen
to observe the deadlineden Termin einhalten
law to observe the lawdas Gesetz beachten
law to observe the lawdas Gesetz befolgen
law to observe the lawdas Gesetz einhalten
law to observe the lawsich an das Gesetz halten
to observe the proprietiesden Anstand wahren
to observe the proprietiesdie Form wahren
to observe the ruledie Regel beachten
to observe the ruledie Regel einhalten
to observe the rulesdie Regeln beachten
to observe the rulesdie Regeln einhalten
to observe the rulesdie Vorschriften beachten
to observe the silencedie Stille bewahren
3 Words: Nouns
failure to observeNichtbeachtung {f}
4 Words: Others
tech. Observe country-specific regulations.Länderbestimmungen beachten.
tech. Observe country-specific regulations.Ländervorschriften beachten.
4 Words: Verbs
mil. pol. to observe a cease-fireeinen Waffenstillstand einhalten
to observe a minute's silenceeine Schweigeminute einlegen
to observe a natural phenomenonein Naturereignis beobachten
to observe certain specified limitsbestimmte Grenzen einhalten
5+ Words: Others
I hate funerals, but you must observe the decencies.Ich hasse Beerdigungen, aber man muss eben die Form wahren.
5+ Words: Verbs
to observe a line of conductnach bestimmten Grundsätzen handeln
MedTech. to observe an examination live on the monitoreine Untersuchung live am / auf dem Monitor mitverfolgen
law to observe the term of noticedie Kündigungsfrist einhalten
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A 2017-03-12: Two failures to observe GL. Paul!
A 2014-08-14: Wiso?? "observe the time limit" - 662.000 ghits, "within the time limit"...
Q 2014-04-05: observe to attend
A 2013-06-25: Observe the comma rules.
A 2011-05-06: Couldn't disagree more. Educated German speakers do observe the distinctio...
A 2010-11-12: Agree with Kornelius. Someone not able to speak at all could have impeccab...
Q 2010-06-19: Sagt man im Englischen nicht 'to observe sb.' wenn man jemand 'observieren...
Q 2010-06-06: observe over/for a longer period of time?
A 2009-10-26: "to observe/ignore the right of way"
A 2009-08-23: may i be so free as to observe/ remark that ---
A 2009-08-22: "Observation" is also oral. See def 6: http://www.merriam-webster.com/di...
Q 2009-06-04: follow - observe ?
A 2008-12-04: to mark=to observe, notice
Q 2008-11-21: Observe yourself; it’s very cool. Your body is a really cool thing.
A 2008-05-18: observe, not stick to...
A 2008-05-06: please observe:
Q 2008-01-05: to observe sth. with detached amusement
A 2007-09-04: please observe the instructions for printing of ...
A 2007-06-26: endeavours to observe applicable copyrights in all its publications
A 2006-09-18: Observe correct polarity (+/-) when inserting batteries

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observe a holiday
observe a line of conduct
observe a method
observe a minute's silence
observe a patient
observe a principle

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