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English-German translation for: occupation
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Dictionary English German: occupation

Translation 1 - 50 of 137  >>

English German
NOUN1   an occupation | occupations
NOUN2   occupation | -
SYNO   military control | occupation ... 
jobs occupation
Beschäftigung {f}
jobs occupation
Beruf {m} [Tätigkeit]
jobs occupation
Tätigkeit {f}
Berufstätigkeit {f}
mil. occupation [also squatting etc.]
Besetzung {f} [auch Hausbesetzung etc.]
mil. occupation
Besatzung {f} [das Besetzen]
jobs occupation
Erwerbstätigkeit {f}
Inanspruchnahme {f}
Inbesitznahme {f}
RealEst. occupation [of a building etc.]
Bezug {m} [eines Hauses usw.]
Besitzergreifung {f}
Besitznahme {f}
Bewohnung {f}
jobs occupation
Arbeitsart {f}
mil. occupation
Okkupation {f}
jobs occupation
Profession {f} [österr.] [sonst veraltet]
2 Words: Others
jobs by occupation {adv}von Beruf
2 Words: Verbs
to assume sb.'s occupationjds. Geschäft übernehmen
2 Words: Nouns
jobs actual occupationausgeübter Beruf {m}
additional occupationNebenbeschäftigung {f}
administrative occupationVerwaltungsberuf {m}
hist. allied occupationalliierte Besatzung {f}
mil. brutal occupationbrutale Besetzung {f}
chief occupationHauptbeschäftigung {f}
jobs clerical occupationBüroberuf {m}
clerical occupationBürobeschäftigung {f}
clerical occupationBürotätigkeit {f}
equivalent occupationgleichwertige Beschäftigung {f}
favorite occupation [Am.]Lieblingsbeschäftigung {f}
favourite occupation [Br.]Lieblingsbeschäftigung {f}
jobs female occupationFrauenberuf {m}
jobs gainful occupationErwerbstätigkeit {f}
graduate occupationakademischer Beruf {m}
hazardous occupationgefährlicher Beruf {m}
illegal occupationunzulässige Berufsausübung {f}
main occupationHauptbeschäftigung {f}
educ. jobs mono-occupationMonoberuf {m}
mil. occupation armyBesatzungsarmee {f}
mil. occupation armyBesatzungstruppe {f}
occupation authoritiesBesatzungsbehörden {pl}
occupation censusBerufszählung {f}
mil. occupation currencyBesatzungsgeld {n}
pol. occupation forceBesatzungsmacht {f}
pol. occupation forcesBesatzungsmächte {pl}
mil. pol. occupation forces {pl}Besatzungsmacht {f}
occupation groupBeschäftigungsgruppe {f}
jobs occupation groupVerwendungsgruppe {f} [österr.] [veraltet, neu: Beschäftigungsgruppe]
occupation group [Am.]Berufsgruppe {f}
occupation heldausgeübter Beruf {m}
jobs occupation indexBerufsgruppenindex {m}
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A 2023-02-04: Ditto +im Schlamm stecken bleiben+ experienced by hundreds of thousands du...
Q 2018-02-01: Occupation
A 2015-10-19: Instead, the US occupation forces stepped / weighed in to foil an option ...
Q 2014-07-20: Occupation
Q 2014-05-31: Activity and occupation. Possible answers
Q 2010-12-03: by the nature of his occupation
A 2010-08-16: Paris AFTER the German occupation!
Q 2010-08-11: German occupation of Paris
A 2010-06-01: perhaps a word he picked up and used as a GI during the occupation
Q 2009-07-15: to be in occupation of sth
A 2009-06-07: Why Baumfäller vs Holzfäller takes the forest out of the occupation of tha...
A 2008-12-01: what is your occupation?
A 2008-02-22: "of his employment." occupation == Beruf
A 2007-11-27: ? damage caused by (custodial) care and activities / job / occupation
A 2007-10-09: both can mean: Gewerbe, Beruf, Handwerk (trade, occupation, handicraft)
A 2007-08-16: would go with occupation .....
A 2007-08-16: occupation?
A 2007-05-27: representational work/occupation/function
A 2007-05-15: Rotschmied = occupation of the father
A 2007-05-05: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=purpose+of+occupation&meta= ???

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