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English-German translation for: officials
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Dictionary English German: officials

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
NOUN   an official | officials
officials [civil servants]
Beamte {pl}
officials [of an organisation]
Funktionäre {pl}
jobs officials [people working for state or community]
Bedienstete {pl}
hist. jobs officials
Amtleute {pl}
hist. jobs officialsAmtsleute {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
jobs to axe officialsBeamte einsparen
2 Words: Nouns
jobs relig. church officialsKirchenbeamte {pl}
relig. church officials [representatives of a church]Kirchenvertreter {pl}
admin. city officials {pl}Stadtführung {f} [ugs.] [Stadtregierung] [Deutschland]
relig. cult officialsKultbehörden {pl}
admin. customs officialsZollbeamte {pl}
customs officialsZollbeamten {pl}
government officialsRegierungsbeamte {pl}
head officialsAmtsleiter {pl}
head officialsAmtsvorsteher {pl}
intelligence officialsGeheimdienstbeamte {pl}
intelligence officialsGeheimdienstler {pl} [ugs.]
sports match officials {pl} [football]Schiedsrichtergespann {n}
jobs mil. military officialsMilitärbeamte {pl}
ministry officialsMinisteriumsangestellte {pl}
sports officials' oathKampfrichtereid {m}
prison officialsGefängnisbedienstete {pl}
sports sports officialsSportverantwortliche {pl}
admin. top officialsSpitzenbeamte {pl}
3 Words: Others
rail by railroad officials {adj} {adv}bahnamtlich
3 Words: Nouns
admin. hierarchy of officialsBeamtenhierarchie {f}
admin. high-level officialshochrangige Beamte {pl}
admin. high-level officialsranghohe Beamte {pl}
law law enforcement officials <LEOs>Gesetzeshüter {pl} [hum.]
admin. pol. the town officials {pl}die Stadtführung {f} [selten] [die Stadtoberen]
sports three match officials {pl}Schiedsrichtertrio {n}
sports three match officials {pl}Schiedsrichter-Dreiergespann {n} [selten für: Schiedsrichtertrio]
4 Words: Nouns
relig. high-level church officialsKirchenobere {pl}
5+ Words: Nouns
duty to report sth. to customs officialsZollanmeldepflicht {f} für etw.Akk.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
art F The Sampling Officials [Rembrandt]Die Vorsteher der Tuchmacherzunft
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A 2014-11-28: Beamtendeutsch - German officials specialized language
Q 2012-07-15: Kann man "officials" auch als "Behörden" übersetzen?
A 2011-03-08: allgemein: top / senior (government) officials
A 2010-08-16: @ddr: that's correct. So perhaps: "high-ranking military officers and gove...
A 2010-01-27: Unelected officials
A 2009-12-02: Participation by Australian officials in the enforcement procedures appear...
A 2009-12-02: Participation by Australian officials in the enforcement procedures ... ?
Q 2009-07-24: (the) officials = (die) Behörden ?
A 2009-02-14: Typo: "Honoratiorenverbänden" - associations of honorary officials
A 2008-05-14: It may not matter, but not all U.S. Government officials are 'Beamte' (civ...
A 2007-08-19: Meet the players and officials personally at these events.
A 2007-08-19: get to meet (the) players and officials
A 2007-07-09: officials ?
Q 2006-07-20: officials
Q 2006-07-14: Israeli officials
A 2006-06-14: dont not say....last sentence said gov. officials and admin struictures
Q 2004-11-28: state wildlife officials

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