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English-German translation for: often
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Dictionary English German: often

Translation 1 - 50 of 81  >>

English German
SYNO   frequently | oft | often ... 
often {adv}
often {adv}
often {adv}
often {adv}
vielfach [häufig]
2 Words: Others
(often) enough {adv}zur Genüge [oft genug (gehört, gesehen, gesagt, etc.)]
conspicuously often {adv}auffallend oft
least often {adv}am seltensten
less often {adv}seltener
more often {adv}häufiger
more often {adv}öfter
most often {adv}meistens
most often {adv}am häufigsten
most often {adv}am öftesten [selten]
most often {adv}in den meisten Fällen
often enough {adv}oft genug
often enough {adv}zur Genüge [oft pej.] [Redewendung]
often repeated {adj}vielmalig
often times {adv}oftmals
often used {adj}oft benutzt
often-quoted {adj}vielzitiert
often-quoted {adj}viel zitiert
quite often {adv}nicht selten
quite often {adv}sehr oft
quite often {adv}ziemlich oft
too often {adv}zu oft
pharm. very often {adj} [adverse effects associated with specific medications]sehr häufig [Produktinformation, Nebenwirkungen; Häufigkeitsdefinition nach MedDRA: mehr als 1 Behandelter von 10 (>10 %)]
2 Words: Verbs
to be oftenhäufig sein
3 Words: Others
all too often {adv}allzu oft
as often asso oft wie
as often happens {adv}wie es oft passiert
Authors often differ.Verfasser sind oft unterschiedlicher Ansicht.
ever so often {adv} [coll.]sehr oft
every so often {adv}gelegentlich [hin und wieder]
every so often {adv}ab und zu
every so often {adv}hier und da
every so often {adv}hin und wieder
every so often {adv}von Zeit zu Zeit
less often alongside {prep}seltener neben
way too often {adj} [coll.]viel zu oft
4 Words: Others
Appearances are often deceiving.Oft trügt der Schein.
Appearances are often deceptive.Der Schein trügt oft.
as often as desired {adv}beliebig oft
as often as necessary {adv}beliebig oft [so oft wie erforderlich]
as often as needed {adv}beliebig oft
as often as not {adv}sehr oft
as often as not {adv} [idiom]meistens
as often as possible {adv}so oft wie möglich
I have often wondered ...Ich habe mich oft gefragt ...
less and less often {adv}immer seltener
more and more often {adv}immer häufiger
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