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English-German translation for: old age
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Dictionary English German: old age

Translation 1 - 50 of 105  >>

English German
NOUN   old age | -
SYNO   age | eld | geezerhood | old age ... 
age-old {adj}jahrhundertealt
age-old {adj}uralt
old ageAlter {n} [hohes Alter]
old ageBetagtheit {f} [geh.]
old ageGreisenalter {n}
old agehohes Alter {n}
in old age {adv}im Alter
in old age {adv}im hohen Alter
to attain old ageein hohes Alter erreichen
to reach old ageein hohes Alter erreichen
age-old conceptsUraltkonzepte {pl} [auch: Uralt-Konzepte]
age-old institutionjahrealte Einrichtung {f}
age-old wisdomuralte Weisheit {f}
old age assurance [esp. Br.]Altersversicherung {f}
old age beneficiariesVersorgungsempfänger {pl}
old age beneficiaryVersorgungsempfänger {m}
old age benefits {pl}Altersruhegeld {n}
old age exemptionAltersfreibetrag {m}
old age homeAltersheim {n}
old age homeSeniorenheim {n}
old age pensionAltersruhegeld {n}
insur. old age pensionerPensionist {m} [österr.] [Rentner]
insur. old age pensionerRentner {m} [Bezieher einer Altersrente in D und CH] [österr.: veraltet]
old age pensioner [female]Pensionistin {f} [österr.] [südd.]
old age pensioner [retired civil servant]Pensionär {m} [südd. auch: Pensionist]
insur. old age pensioner <OAP>Bezieher {m} einer Altersrente
fin. old age provisionsAltersrückstellungen {pl}
insur. old age savings {pl}Altersguthaben {n} [schweiz.]
law Old Age Security [Canada]Grundsicherung {f} im Alter
archaeo. hist. Old Stone AgeAltsteinzeit {f}
old-age benefits {pl}Altersruhegeld {n}
old-age careAltenpflege {f}
old-age homeAltenheim {n}
old-age homeVersorgungshaus {n} [österr.] [veraltet]
insur. old-age insuranceAltersversicherung {f}
insur. old-age insurancePensionskasse {f}
old-age pensionAlterruhegeld {n}
old-age pensionAlterspension {f}
old-age pensionAltersrente {f}
old-age pensionAltersruhegeld {n}
old-age pensionAltersversorgung {f}
old-age pensionPension {f}
old-age pensionRente {f}
old-age pensionRuhegehalt {n}
old-age pensioner [female] <OAP> [Br.]Pensionärin {f}
old-age pensioner <OAP> [Br.]Altersrentner {m}
insur. old-age pensioner <OAP> [Br.]Pensionist {m} [österr.] [Rentner oder Pensionär]
old-age pensioner <OAP> [Br.]Pensionär {m}
jobs old-age pensioner <OAP> [Br.]Rentner {m}
old-age pensionsAltersbezüge {pl}
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A 2019-04-01: Old age is not a time for (?...?) secrets.
A 2019-04-01: Perhaps also: Secrecy is out of place in old age.
A 2016-04-19: old age foolishness
A 2015-04-03: very old age
A 2013-07-01: I agree that in Britain is it usually old age pensioner(s).
A 2012-06-11: Vorsorge (for old age) = retirement planning [AE]
A 2012-06-10: Perhaps: making provision for old age
A 2012-06-10: old age provision
A 2010-01-07: German Old Age Provision Certification Act / Private Pension Plan Contract...
A 2009-11-01: old age
A 2009-05-26: It could be "at" if the idea is that a "decent income" will result in "sec...
A 2009-04-29: Old age
A 2009-02-02: The full-length Restoration poem and some background (the author lived to ...
A 2008-11-19: I'd go for *indirect pension obligations under (current) (old age) pensio...
A 2008-10-17: literally translated: and all of them could be assured to be looked after...
A 2008-10-07: You must be Methusalah to live to the ripe old age of approximately 301 ye...
Q 2008-09-18: the pensioner facing a penniless old age
A 2008-05-20: old age and survivors insurance (Hamblock)
A 2007-10-03: into old age (doesn't sound very PC, though!)
A 2007-07-20: and, what's more, (the post) is held at A in personal union with the Depar...

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