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Dictionary English German: on

Translation 1 - 50 of 12348  >>


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on sth. {adv} {prep}
auf etw.Dat.
on {prep}
on {prep}
on {prep}
on {prep}
on {prep}
on {adv}
comp. online {adv}
on [kurz für: online]
on {adv} [light, power, etc.]
an [ugs.]
tech. on {adj} {adv}
on {adj} {adv}
on sth. {prep} [put, write etc.]
auf etw.Akk.
on sth. {adv} [article, etc.]
zu etw.Dat. [Aufsatz etc.]
on sth. [subjects, styles, contributions etc.]
zu etw. [vor Substantiven im Plural wie z. B. zu den Themen, Beiträgen]
on {prep} [about, concerning]
ueber [veraltet für: über, bes. beim Satz- und Titelanfang]
on sth. {adv} [based on, on the strength]auf Grund etw.Gen.
geogr. Ontario <ON>Ontario {n} [kanadische Provinz]
med. osteonecrosis <ON>Knochennekrose {f}
med. osteonecrosis <ON>Osteonekrose {f} <ON>
2 Words: Others
(on) Fridays {adv}freitags
(on) horseback {adv}zu Pferd
(on) Saturdays {adv}samstags
(on) Saturdays {adv}sonnabends
(on) Sundays {adv}sonntags
(on) Thursdays {adv}donnerstags
(on) towards {adv}entgegen [+Dat.] [geh.]
(on) Tuesdays {adv}dienstags
(on) Wednesdays {adv}mittwochs
(on) weekdays {adv}alltags
(on) weekdays {adv}wochentäglich
(on) weekdays {adv}wochentags [an Wochentagen]
[we/they/you] insisted on[wir/sie/Sie] bestanden auf [+Dat., selten +Akk.]
acted on {past-p}eingewirkt
acting oneinwirkend
agreed on {past-p}abgemacht
agreed on {adj} {past-p}erledigt
attendant onbedienend
attendant on {conj}im Gefolge von
bang on {adj} {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [exactly] [also: bang-on]exakt
based on {prep}aufgrund [+Gen.]
based on {prep}angelehnt an [+Akk.] [beruhend auf, z. B. Roman]
based on {prep}anhand von [+Dat.]
based on {prep}auf Grund [+Gen.]
based on {prep}basierend auf [+Dat.]
based on {prep}beruhend auf [+Dat.]
based on {prep}bezogen auf [+Akk.]
based on {prep}frei nach [+Dat.]
based on {prep}gestützt auf [+Akk.]
based on {prep}in Anlehnung an [+Akk.]
Based on ...Ausgehend von ...
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Q 2024-10-06: on a different note...
A 2024-08-12: Oral – The in-between category – must plod on
A 2024-08-10: soldiering on
A 2024-08-10: "Must get on, after all"
A 2024-05-10: oder z.B.: The Police WHO was quickly on the scene ...
Q 2024-04-18: I'm lost on the apparently double function of "von" in this sentence
A 2024-04-05: Unreliable to put in “law” entries based on Wiki
A 2024-03-13: “commenting on the richness of the experience” – imbecile
A 2024-02-21: the almost endless / interminable melodies, the melodies running on almos...
A 2024-01-23: Ausstieg in Fahrtrichtung links. - Exit on the left.
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]

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