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English-German translation for: on-board
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Dictionary English German: on board

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ADJ   on-board | - | -
SYNO   aboard | on board
SEE ALSO  onboard
on board {adv}an Bord
on-board {adj}bordeigen
electr. tech. on-board {adj}eingebaut [integriert (als fester Bestandteil)]
on-board {adj} [attr.]fahrzeugseitig
all on board {adv} [also fig.]alle an Bord [auch fig.]
All on board! [also fig.]Alle an Bord! [auch fig.]
comm. naut. delivered on boardfrei an Bord
comm. naut. free on board <FOB>frei Schiff
comm. naut. free on board <FOB>frei an Bord [Incoterm]
naut. on board ship {adv}auf dem Schiff
to come on board [also fig.]an Bord kommen [auch fig.]
to come on board [also fig.](mit) ins Boot kommen [auch fig.]
to come on board [also fig.] [to join a group in an activity]dazukommen [auch fig.] [während eines Geschehens eintreffen, erscheinen]
to get sb. on board [also fig.]jdn. mit ins Boot holen [auch fig.]
naut. to go on boardan Bord gehen
to load on boardan Bord verladen
naut. to step on boardan Bord gehen
to take sb. on (board) [hire, employ]sichDat. jdn. (mit) an Bord holen [Idiom] [einstellen, anheuern]
idiom to take sth. on boardetw. akzeptieren [ernst nehmen]
to take sth. on boardsichAkk. etw.Gen. annehmen [geh.]
naut. life on board [a ship]Bordleben {n}
loading on boardVerladung {f} an Bord
material {sg} on boardBordmittel {pl}
materials on boardBordmittel {pl}
mil. weapons on-board armamentBordbewaffnung {f}
automot. aviat. photo. on-board cameraBordkamera {f}
on-board clockBorduhr {f}
on-board computerBordcomputer {m}
on-board computerBordrechner {m} bei Fahrzeugen
on-board converterBordnetzumrichter {m}
automot. on-board diagnostics <OBD>On-Board-Diagnose {f} <OBD>
automot. aviat. on-board electronics {pl}Bordelektronik {f}
acad. naut. on-board lab [coll.]Schiffslabor {n}
naut. on-board operationBordbetrieb {m}
on-board radioBordradio {n}
on-board restaurantBordrestaurant {n}
on-board securitybörsennotiertes Wertpapier {n}
comp. on-board solutionOn-Board-Lösung {f}
on-board toiletBordtoilette {f}
mil. weapons on-board weaponBordwaffe {f}
shipment on boardVerladung {f} an Bord
aviat. naut. souls on board [passengers and crew]Seelen {pl} an Bord [Passagiere und Besatzungsmitglieder]
naut. on board (the) ship {adv}an Bord
naut. on board the vessel {adv}an Bord des Schiffes
comm. law naut. on board the vessel {adv}an Bord des Seeschiffes
to be on board (with sth.) [idiom] [to agree (to sth.)](mit etw.Dat.) einverstanden sein
to be on board with sb./sth. [Am.] [idiom]jdn./etw. unterstützen [zustimmen]
econ. to serve on the boardim Vorstand tätig sein
to sit on the boardVorstandsmitglied sein [im Vorstand sitzen]
to stow away on boardsich an Bord schmuggeln
comp. electr. chip-on-board technology <COB>Nacktchipmontage {f}
comp. electr. chip-on-board technology <COB>Chip-on-Board-Technologie {f} <COB>
automot. on-board diagnosis system <OBD system>On-Board-Diagnose-System {n} <OBD-System>
automot. on-board diagnostic system <OBD, OBD system>On-Board-Diagnosesystem {n} <OBD, OBD-System>
on-board power supplyBordnetz {n}
mil. on-board weapon systemBordwaffensystem {n}
power supply on boardbordeigene Stromversorgung {f}
seat on the boardSitz {m} im Vorstand
like an insect on a display boardwie ein aufgespießtes Insekt
The goods are placed on board.Die Ware wird an Bord des Schiffes verbracht.
to be on the bulletin board [Am.]am schwarzen Brett aushängen
to be on the notice board [Br.]am schwarzen Brett aushängen
to be on the supervisory boardim Aufsichtsrat sitzen
naut. to go on board (a ship)ein Schiff besteigen
naut. to go on board a shipan Bord eines Schiffes gehen
Internet to post sth. on the discussion boardetw. ins Forum stellen
naut. to ship on board a freighterauf einem Frachter Heuer nehmen
to vote sb. on / onto the boardjdn. in den Vorstand wählen
law Act on the Appropriateness of Management Board CompensationGesetz {n} zur Angemessenheit der Vorstandsvergütung <VorstAG>
comm. clean-on-board bill of ladingreines Bordkonnossement {n}
econ. non-executive directors <NED, NXD> on the (administrative) boardnichtgeschäftsführende Direktoren {pl} im Verwaltungsrat
comm. on board / on-board bill of lading <on board B/L>Bordkonnossement {n}
lit. F Pippi Goes on Board [Astrid Lindgren]Pippi Langstrumpf geht an Bord
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Q 2020-02-12: Shop On Board Magazine
A 2018-07-03: to get s.b. on board, to make s.b. work for a common goal
A 2015-01-27: On their own site: Austrian Workers' Compensation Board
A 2014-06-04: The Foundation Board may only appoint individuals who meet all of the foll...
A 2013-04-11: claim resolution board
A 2012-01-24: Carbon paper leaves a terrible residue. You want the illustration board to...
A 2011-06-28: Da ist ausdrücklich "freight" geschrieben, weil mit "Free on Board" eine R...
A 2011-06-28: Wahrscheinlich Incoterm: Free on Board
Q 2011-06-28: Freight on Board
A 2011-01-13: The undersigned examination board hereby awards NN with apprenticeship cer...
Q 2010-08-30: Any music lovers on board?
A 2010-08-21: non-US: conscription board
Q 2010-08-20: Bring on Boards
Q 2009-10-31: Any hikers on board? Hiking Into History: England’s Ancient Ridgeway Trail
A 2009-07-28: In the U.S., a 'Construction Board of Appeals' would be a close equivalent...
A 2009-07-03: taken on board by
Q 2009-06-16: Any Byromaniacs on board?
A 2009-05-17: 'graphite on board' is the most common designation.
A 2009-05-05: The examination board and the individual history teacher decide what is es...
A 2009-03-14: 'corresponding' is a bit sterile. how 'bout: ".., on board you will be m...

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• on board
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