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Dictionary English German: one way

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SEE ALSO  oneway
one-way {adj}Einrichtungs-
one-way {adj}Einweg-
tech. one-way {adj}einseitig gerichtet [IEV 701-03-20]
one-way {adj} [attr.]einfachgerichtet
one-way {adj} [attr.]einseitig [in eine Richtung]
One-way. [in train, bus, etc.]Einfach. [in Zug, Bus, usw.]
traffic one-way [coll.] [one-way street]Einbahnstraße {f}
on one's way {adv}unterwegs
on one's way {adv}auf dem Weg
to ask one's waysich durchfragen
to ask one's waynach dem Weg fragen
to battle one's waysich durchschlagen
to beat one's way [idiom]sichAkk. durchschlagen
to beg one's way [of journeymen] [formerly]fechten [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [veraltend]
to bore one's wayeindringen
to bore one's wayvordringen
to bore one's waysichDat. mühsam einen Weg bahnen
to bull (one's way)sichDat. den Weg erzwingen
to bulldoze one's way [coll.] [fig.]sich durchboxen [ugs.]
to bully one's waysichDat. in grober Weise Zutritt verschaffen
to carve one's waysichDat. seinen Weg ebnen
to continue one's wayseinen Weg fortsetzen
to continue one's wayseinen Weg weiterverfolgen
to corkscrew one's waysich hindurchschlängeln
to corkscrew one's waysich hindurchwinden
to cut one's wayseinen Weg bahnen
to dig one's waysichDat. seinen Weg bahnen
to edge one's waylangsam vorrücken
to edge one's waysich langsam voranarbeiten
to elbow one's waysich durchdrängeln [mit Hilfe der Ellenbogen]
to elbow one's waysichDat. den Weg bahnen
to feel one's waysichAkk. langsam vortasten
to feel one's way [fig.]versuchen, sich zurechtzufinden
to find one's waysich zurechtfinden
to force one's way [idiom]sichDat. den Weg freikämpfen
to force one's way [idiom]sichDat. mit Gewalt seinen Weg bahnen
to get one's way [idiom]seinen Riwwel durchsetzen [ugs.] [südwestd.] [Redewendung] [seinen Kopf durchsetzen]
to get one's way [idiom]seinen Willen bekommen
to go one's wayseines Weges gehen
to grope one's waysich tasten
to have one's way [idiom]sichAkk. durchsetzen [Person]
to have one's way [idiom]seinen Kopf durchsetzen [Redewendung] [seinen Willen durchsetzen]
to hie one's way [archaic] [poet.]schnell seines Weges gehen
to lose one's wayvom Weg abkommen
to lose one's way [idiom] [become lost while driving]sichAkk. verfahren [vom richtigen Weg abkommen und in die falsche Richtung fahren]
aviat. to lose one's way [idiom] [become lost while flying]sichAkk. verfliegen [Pilot]
to lose one's way [idiom] [become lost]irregehen [geh.] [sich verirren]
to lose one's way [idiom] [become lost]sichAkk. verfranzen [ugs.] [sich verirren]
to lose one's way [idiom] [become lost]sichAkk. verirren
to make one's wayarrivieren [geh.]
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A 2021-01-05: One way or another, +minister+ tends to imply authority which is crassly i...
A 2015-07-15: +dépanner+ in French ... What with too many cars having been fixed one way...
A 2014-05-07: one way traffic spikes? tiger teeth?
Q 2014-04-25: One way to eliminate the homeless people problem...
A 2014-02-19: Both are acceptable in BE - but be consistent and watch out for the words ...
Q 2013-09-08: one way travel document
Q 2013-04-05: development is a kind of one way trip
A 2013-01-07: Here's one way:
A 2012-10-13: One way to approach this might be
A 2011-07-09: One way out of many other possible ones.
A 2011-06-02: Here's one way to find out:
A 2010-12-13: 58 word sentences in contracts, without context, could be translated in mo...
A 2010-10-04: One way to put this.
A 2010-07-18: There's more than one way to tackle this, but here's a suggestion:
A 2010-04-28: One way to express this: "Handlebar-supporting bicycle stand".
A 2010-03-23: One way (there may be a quicker way) -
A 2010-02-17: there is more than one way .... as usual - context/emphasis ....
A 2010-01-06: one way!
Q 2009-12-03: One way Reifenzerfetzer
Q 2009-09-04: From 1 January....per vehicle (max 2 people) one way

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