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English-German translation for: online shop
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Dictionary English German: online shop

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NOUN   an online shop | online shops
NOUN   der Online-Shop | die Online-Shops
SEE ALSO  onlineshop
comm. Internet online storeOnline-Shop {m}
comm. Internet internet shopOnline-Shop {m}
comm. Internet online shopInternet-Shop {m}
comm. Internet online shopE-Shop {m} [kurz für: electronic shop, elektronischer Shop]
comm. Internet online shopOnline-Shop {m}
comm. Internet online shopInternetladen {m}
comm. Internet online shopInternetshop {m}
comm. Internet online shopOnlineshop {m}
comm. Internet online shopWebshop {m}
comm. Internet online storeInternet-Shop {m}
comm. Internet online storeE-Shop {m} [kurz für: electronic shop, elektronischer Shop]
Partial Matches
games competitive online role-playing game <CORPG>Wettkampf-Online-Rollenspiel {n}
games multiplayer online battle arena <MOBA>Mehrspieler-Online-Kampfarena {f}
comp. games massively multiplayer online role-playing game <MMORPG>Massen-Mehrspieler-Online-Rollenspiel {n}
comm. Internet to order (sth.) online(etw.Akk.) online bestellen
Internet market. online marketer [online marketing professional]Online-Marketier {m}
Internet to put sth. onlineetw. online stellen
comp. Internet online configuratorOnline-Konfigurator {m} [auch: Onlinekonfigurator]
Internet online habitsOnline-Gewohnheiten {pl} [auch Onlinegewohnheiten]
comm. Internet pharm. online pharmacyOnline-Apotheke {f} [auch: Onlineapotheke]
Internet online presence [website]Online-Auftritt {m} [Webpräsenz]
comp. Internet online safetyOnline-Sicherheit {f} [selten] [Internetsicherheit]
online searchOnline-Durchsuchung {f} [behördliche Maßnahme]
Internet online versionOnline-Ausgabe {f} [auch: Onlineausgabe]
Internet online versionOnline-Fassung {f} [auch: Onlinefassung]
Internet law online dispute resolution <ODR>Online-Streitbeilegung {f}
travel online travel agency <OTA>Online-Reisebüro {n}
comp. games online role-playing gameOnline-Rollenspiel {n}
What are all the things you can do online?Was kann man alles online machen?
Internet online gaming {sg}Online-Spiele {pl}
educ. Internet online learner [female]Online-Schülerin {f}
educ. Internet online learners [female]Online-Schülerinnen {pl}
Internet online access pointOnline-Zugangsportal {n}
anat. Internet online anatomy atlasOnline-Körperatlas {m}
fin. online biller serviceOnline-Zahlungsdienstleister {m}
online computer accessOnline-Zugang {m}
Internet online customer serviceOnline-Kundenservice {m}
TrVocab. online hotel bookingOnline-Hotelbuchung {f}
TrVocab. online hotel reservationOnline-Hotelbuchung {f}
Internet publ. online reference workOnline-Nachschlagewerk {n}
comp. Internet to go onlineonline gehen
comp. Internet online accessOnline-Zugang {m}
Internet online accessibilityOnline-Zugänglichkeit {f}
online accountOnline-Konto {n}
online activationOnline-Freischaltung {f}
Internet market. online advertisingOnline-Werbung {f}
comm. Internet pol. online campaignOnline-Kampagne {f}
Internet ling. online dictionaryOnline-Wörterbuch {n}
jobs online editorOnline-Redakteur {m}
Internet online formOnline-Formular {n}
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Q 2017-09-03: Grafik für Spieluhren Online Shop
A 2016-08-08: Yeah, Jim, it's a joke! It's my online shop and I wanted to take this a ca...
A 2014-10-15: There are also +online shops+ ; failing to translate simple words lands us...
A 2014-07-04: I think it might refer to graphical user interfaces, given it's an online shop
Q 2011-01-12: Eshop oder Online Shop
Q 2009-01-01: Online Shops www.shoes-trader.com for you Low price! high-quality!! good...

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