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English-German translation for: onset
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Dictionary English German: onset

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NOUN   onset | onsets
VERB  to onset | onset | onset ... 
SYNO   oncoming | onset | attack | onrush ... 
Beginn {m}
med. onset
Ausbruch {m} [einer Krankheit]
Anfang {m}
Einsetzen {n} [einer Krankheit, des Alters, des Winters]
onset [darkness]
Eintritt {m}
onset [sudden beginning, i.e. of a new era, of winter, etc.]
Einbruch {m} [plötzlicher Beginn, z. B. einer neuen Zeit, des Winters etc.]
med. onset [of a disease]
Krankheitsbeginn {m}
mil. onset
Angriff {m}
Einsatz {m} [Start / Einleitung eines Vorgangs]
mil. onset
Attacke {f}
mil. onset
Sturm {m}
2 Words: Others
med. psych. adult-onset {adj}mit Beginn im Erwachsenenalter [nachgestellt]
med. early-onset {adj} [disease]frühmanifest
med. late-onset {adj} [disease]spätmanifest
med. pediatric-onset {adj}im Kindesalter auftretend [Erkrankung]
2 Words: Nouns
med. disease onsetKrankheitsausbruch {m} [Erkrankungsbeginn]
med. late onset [progression of male pattern baldness; Hamilton-Norwood scale]Spättyp {m} [androgenetischer Haarausfall; Hamilton-Norwood-Schema]
med. symptom onsetSymptombeginn {m}
3 Words: Others
at the onset {adv}beim Anfang
from the onset {adv}von Anfang an
from the onset {adv}von Beginn an
3 Words: Nouns
med. adult-onset asthmaim Erwachsenenalter einsetzendes Asthma {n}
med. adult-onset diabetesAltersdiabetes {m}
med. adult-onset diabetesAlterszucker {m} [ugs.] [Altersdiabetes]
med. adult-onset diabetesErwachsenendiabetes {m}
educ. sociol. age of onsetEinstiegsalter {n}
med. early onset disease <EOD>Early-Onset-Erkrankung {f}
med. early-onset dementiapräsenile / frühe Form {f} der Demenz
med. early-onset disease <EOD>Früherkrankung {f} [Frühform der Erkrankung]
med. psych. early-onset schizophrenia <EOS>Frühschizophrenie {f}
med. late onset disease <LOD>Late-Onset-Erkrankung {f}
med. late onset disease <LOD>Spätform {f} der Erkrankung
med. late-onset dementiasenile / späte Form {f} der Demenz
med. late-onset diabetes <LOD> [type 2 diabetes mellitus]Typ-2-Diabetes {m} [Late-Onset-Diabetes, Altersdiabetes]
med. late-onset disease <LOD>Späterkrankung {f} [Spätform der Erkrankung]
med. late-onset formSpätform {f} [einer Krankheit]
med. psych. late-onset schizophrenia <LOS>Spätschizophrenie {f}
med. maturity-onset diabetes <MOD> [type 2 diabetes mellitus]Altersdiabetes {m} [veraltend] [Typ-2-Diabetes]
pharm. onset of action [of a drug]Wirkeintritt {m}
med. onset of deathEintritt {m} des Todes
onset of effectWirkungseintritt {m}
VetMed. onset of estrus [Am.]Östrusbeginn {m}
biol. onset of growthWachstumsbeginn {m}
med. onset of illnessAusbruch {m} der Krankheit
med. onset of labor [Am.]Geburtsbeginn {m}
med. onset of labor [Am.]Wehenbeginn {m}
med. onset of labour [Br.]Geburtsbeginn {m}
med. onset of labour [Br.]Wehenbeginn {m}
VetMed. onset of oestrus [Br.]Östrusbeginn {m}
biol. onset of pubertyPubertätsbeginn {m}
meteo. onset of rainEinsetzen {n} des Regens
med. onset of symptomsSymptombeginn {m}
onset of winterWintereinbruch {m}
med. sleep onset REM <SOREM>vorzeitiger REM-Schlaf {m}
med. pharm. time of onsetAnschlagzeit {f}
4 Words: Others
at the first onset {adv}beim ersten Ansatz
at the first onset {adv}gleich beim ersten Anlauf
at the onset of sth. {adv}zu Beginn etw.Gen.
4 Words: Nouns
med. adult-onset Still's disease <AOSD>adulter Morbus Still {m}
med. adult-onset Still's disease <AOSD>Morbus Still {m} des Erwachsenen
med. adult-onset Still's disease <AOSD>Still-Syndrom {n} des Erwachsenen
med. sports delayed onset muscle soreness <DOMS>Muskelkater {m}
psych. depression of late onsetinvolutive Depression {f}
med. juvenile-onset diabetes (mellitus) <JODM> [type 1 diabetes]juveniler Diabetes (mellitus) {m} [veraltend] [Typ-1-Diabetes]
med. late-onset immunoglobulin deficiencyvariables Immundefektsyndrom {n} <VIDS>
med. onset of mature milkMilcheinschuss {m}
med. wake after sleep onset <WASO>Wachzeit {f} nach Schlafbeginn [Parameter in der Schlafforschung]
5+ Words: Others
at (the) onset of (first) symptoms {adv}beim Auftreten der (ersten) Symptome
at the onset of competitionzu Beginn des Wettbewerbs
med. at the onset of death {adv}bei Eintritt des Todes
5+ Words: Nouns
psych. behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence [F90-F98] [Br.]Verhaltens- und emotionale Störungen {pl} mit Beginn in der Kindheit und Jugend
med. late-onset autoimmune diabetes of adulthood <LADA>LADA {m}
med. sleep-onset / sleep onset rapid eye movement <SOREM> phaseSchlaf {m} mit Beginn der REM-Phase
med. sleep-onset / sleep onset REMs <SOREMs>Schlaf-Beginn-REM {pl}
psych. summer-onset seasonal affective disorder [summer SAD]Sommerdepression {f}
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Q 2018-12-29: in the onset
A 2017-04-27: Agree with Wenz. +milk let-down (often surge-like onset of lactation after...
A 2015-07-08: onset of civilisation
A 2015-03-15: Early Onset Clinton Fatigue
Q 2014-07-27: From the poem Onset by Robert Frost
A 2009-11-05: @Eva: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4HPIA...
A 2009-11-05: The 'attack' a controversial term in onset training as you can see in the ...
A 2009-11-05: I've also seen it translated as "vocal attack". I think "onset" is commone...
A 2009-11-05: onset / vocal onset
A 2009-04-28: The decade finished with a crisis.... ...and the onset of another recession.
A 2009-04-28: "and the onset ..."
Q 2009-04-28: requiring...the onset of anather recession ?
A 2009-02-23: As most dental diseases have their onset in interdental.....
Q 2007-02-01: the onset of emphysema had practically bent him double

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• onset
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onset of estrus
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onset of labor
onset of labour
onset of mature milk
onset of oestrus

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