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English-German translation for: onwards
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Dictionary English German: onwards

Translation 1 - 15 of 15

English German
SYNO   ahead | forrader | forward ... 
onwards {adv}
onwards {adv}
onwards {adv}
an [nachgestellt]
onwards {adv}nach vorn
2 Words
from ... onwards {prep} {adv} [Br.] [in space or time]ab ...
to press onwards [fig.] [e.g. despite difficulty]weiterdrängen
to push onwards [fig.] [e.g. despite difficulty]weiterdrängen
3 Words
from childhood onwardsvon Kindesbeinen an [ugs.] [Redewendung]
from Monday onwardsvon Montag an
from Monday onwards {adv} [Br.]ab Montag
from now onwards {adv}von nun an
from today onwards {adv}von heute an
Onwards and upwards! [also: Onward and upward!] [encouragement]Immer vorwärts! [Aufforderung nach einer unangenehmen Erfahrung]
4 Words
from now on / onwards {adv}zukünftig
from this day onwards {adv}von heute an
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Q 2017-02-25: from "The other would ..." onwards
Q 2017-01-23: How would you translate this sentence into german, from "for I know..." onwards
Q 2016-02-17: From "Man sieht"... onwards
Q 2015-10-20: Can you please translate the second sentence (from Darauf bereitete onwards)?
Q 2015-10-17: Can you please translate this sentence from "umfangreichen Fragebögen" onwards?
A 2015-08-26: Please translate it from "und spielte..." onwards
Q 2015-07-08: Can you translate the sentence below, from wirkten konstituirend... onwards?
Q 2015-05-15: How would you translate this sentence (from "deren realitätskritische Utop...
A 2013-11-15: school run ...... avoid streets at about 3pm onwards .....
A 2012-05-22: ... from a certain age onwards, goner well rhymes with boner ;-)
A 2011-01-10: OR ... absent in future. OR ... absent from now onwards.
A 2011-01-08: Difference is one of word length and style - +onwards+ is more formal
Q 2011-01-08: from...onwards
A 2010-08-03: From the 17th century onwards
A 2009-04-09: from 1835 onwards ?
Q 2009-02-08: I keep hearing "voice file not found" when I listen to the audio contribut...
A 2008-11-06: maybe "... from 1888 onwards ..."
A 2008-08-22: From October onwards 'something' will be included in the range of courses...
Q 2007-03-13: What does lunchtime onwards mean? 12 pm and later, later than 12.pm ?? thanks!
A 2007-01-10: is this defitinitely a year? could be 2007 onwards?

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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