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English-German translation for: open-steam
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Dictionary English German: open steam

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open-steam vulcanizerVulkanisierkessel {m}
Partial Matches
electr. open collector <OC>Open-Kollektor {m} [auch: Open-Collector, Openkollektor]
sports openOpen {n} [Jargon] [offene Meisterschaft, offener Wettbewerb]
mus. open-air concertOpen Air {n} [kurz: Open-Air-Konzert]
open-air festivalOpen Air {n} [Kurzform] [Open-Air-Festival]
comp. market. ... because open source matters... weil Open Source wichtig ist
film F Open Range [Kevin Costner]Open RangeWeites Land
geol. earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2 on the open / open-ended Richter scaleErdbeben {n} der Stärke 8,2 auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala
sports Australian Open [tennis tournament] <AO>Australian Open {n} [Tennisturnier] <AusOpen, AO>
acad. Internet open access journalsOpen-Access-Zeitschriften {pl}
open-air assemblyOpen-Air-Versammlung {f}
mus. open-air concertOpen-Air-Konzert {n}
open-air eventOpen-Air-Veranstaltung {f}
open-air festivalOpen-Air-Fest {n}
comm. mus. theatre open-air seasonOpen-Air-Saison {f}
comp. open-closed principleOpen-Closed-Prinzip {n}
audio open ear gain <OEG>Open Ear Gain {m} <OEG> [Eigenverstärkung des äußeren Gehörgangs beim offenen Ohr]
sports the US Open {pl} [treated as sg.] [also: U.S. Open] [United States Open Tennis Championships]die US Open {pl} [selten: das US Open {n}] [auch: US-Open]
to steamdampfen
tech. steamWasserdampf {m}
to steam [clothes]bedampfen
steamBrodel {m} [regional]
steamWrasen {m} [nordd.]
steam-distilled {adj} {past-p}dampfdestilliert
steam-dried {adj}dampfgetrocknet
tech. steam-driven {adj}dampfbetrieben
tech. steam-driven {adj}dampfgetrieben
rail steam-hauled {adj}dampflokbespannt
steam-heated {adj}dampfbeheizt
steam-heated {adj}dampferhitzt
tech. steam-powered {adj}dampfbetrieben
tech. steam-powered {adj}dampfgetrieben
engin. tech. steam-propelled {adj}dampfgetrieben
steam-volatile {adj}wasserdampfflüchtig
steam-worked {adj} {past-p}dampfbetrieben
chem. gastr. to steam downeindampfen
textil. (steam) agerDämpfer {m}
(steam) sterilizerDampfsterilisator {m}
tech. dry steamTrockendampf {m}
tech. exhaust steamAbdampf {m}
full steamVolldampf {m}
geol. geothermal steamErddampf {m}
geol. geothermal steamNaturdampf {m}
ind. gland steamSperrdampf {m}
herbal steamKräuterdampf {m}
hydro. tech. live steamDirektdampf {m}
geol. natural steamNaturdampf {m}
ecol. ind. primary steamPrimärdampf {m}
ecol. ind. process steamProzessdampf {m}
pharm. pure steamReindampf {m}
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